Aerion is going on 5 mo and recently when it's time to go into the bathroom..this is where his food, bedding and newspaper are. He won't let me catch him and the back hair is standing up. He doesn't growl at me but he does try and nip me. We literally have to hold him down to get him in there I know he needs training but yelling No just doesn't cut it

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Our puppy which is 3 1/2 months old does the same thing. Not with his cage, but when we put his leash on. I spoke with my vet about this problem, with the "temper" and she said that he my just need to be reminded who is the boss in the relationship. She also said that he really needs puppy classes to help out with that.
Puppy manners classes are great. It also puts you in a situation where there are other dogs around, but still in a good learning environment.
When Triley was that age the hair on his back would stand up anytime he was excited about anything. I thought it was an aggression thing, but our trainer said he was just excited. He also wasn't too thrilled about having to go into his crate - we'd have to catch him and then he would spread his legs out as we were putting him in his crate - to block his body from going through the opening (smart corgi!). We never let up though and eventually he realized he had to go into his crate, no matter how hard he tried to prevent it, and gave up the fight.

About the nipping and running, I would recommend some puppy classes. Our trainer taught us to use a noise that is quick and sharp and distinct for whenever he does something wrong (she said that "no!" can sound different depending on how you say it, but this noise was consistent). Triley doesn't always respond to "No!" but he does respond to the noise. It worked great!
Ugh, puppy rebellion!
You should avoid using "no" for correction because it is used too much in normal conversation and is not sharp enough. A sharp sound (like "Ack") uttered very loud and sharp is recommended by many trainers. You might feel weird using it at first but you'll get used to it. Good luck! A puppy course is definitely a good idea!
Grab a piece of cheese (or other "smelly" treat), let him smell it, go into the bathroom, and coax him in with you. When he's in, tell him he's a good dog, give him the treat, drop a couple more treats in the bowl and calmly leave.

Yelling shuts down more than half the dogs I've observed. The owner yells, and the dog either completely "goes deaf" and ignores/avoids the owner, walks/runs the other direction, or feels threatened and shows an aggressive/dominant side. Usually the owner then yells some more and louder...because it worked so well the first time??? Try an upbeat voice and a treat or squeaky toy. If a "happy, fun" voice doens't work and you seriously need him to do something right now, switch to a soft, but firm, tone of voice to get your dog's attention. No more yelling. EVER!

Dogs love to be chased! They also learn fairly quickly that they are much faster than we are. This makes the game even more fun. He won't let you catch him because he has taught you how to play his "chase me" game. If you're also yelling "Come Here! Come Here!" over and over while you chase him, he is definitely not going to be caught. He'll be happy to keep playing for hours though. Turn it around. If you have a backyard, or other safe secure off leash play area, teach him the human version of "chase me" where he has to catch up to you for a treat or toy. No more chasing...unless he is chasing you.

A puppy kindergarten or basic obedience class is a great idea! In another month, he'll be entering his teenage months, and you know teenagers! You think he's a handful now...just wait a month or two. LOL I'd get him in a class as soon as possible. They can help you with lots of positive training techniques that will make Aerion willing and happy to do what you ask of him.

Meanwhile, the standard "good advice for any dog owner" is to read a couple of articles on the NILIF program. Nothing in Life is Free teaches the dog to think "Oh, I guess you're in charge afterall." Huh. Who knew? Type "NILIF" in your favorite search engine. Good luck! You and Aerion will get through puppyhood and be a great team. : - )
thanks for all this when we get back from vacation i will start him in classes. Right now for my husband being gone for 3 months it's been hard for me to be the caretaker of everyone and everthing
on and he too does this with his leash and harness
Always, always provide a treat when confining a dog. Many corgis will react negatively when they are being forced into an area. I suspect this pup also does not have a great outlet for his energies. Do know he senses your anger and frustration and is reacting accordingly.
The biggest reason dogs are given up have to do with behavior issues. These issues are because of lack of training. Hopefully you did plenty of research about dogs and the corgi breed before adding a pup to your home. You can count on at least a year of daily training exercises to help your dog become a good household companion. Getting a pup is a huge comittment.
You would do well to find a puppy class nearby. Sounds like both you and your pup could benefit greatly by the information that would be offered. They may also help you understand the needs of your pup. I suspect that he lacks much needed exercise, structured play and bonding time with his mom.


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