So we have had Tucker 2 weeks, and just want to make sure that things dont get out of control because I didnt interfere soon enough or interferred too soon.  Towards the end of the video I stopped the video and discouraged the noise as it seemed to be escalating to me. 


I did take a few other videos of them playing right before this but I thought I would post this one, since I was unsure of this the most.  Here is the link to the video:

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The dogs will have to sort out who is dominant ( i.e.. where they each stand in the pack, which includes the humans...) and this may take awhile and not be an issue for Lance until Tucker becomes more "at home" and more confident.  Two weeks is still a very short time for the adjustment.  Looking at the video, Lance seems confident and easy going, Tucker seems nervous and not sure how to react, but not liking it.  If you had not picked up on that, you would not be asking for feedback on the interaction, so I think your gut feeling is your best guide. A video does not convey all the energy in the room that you are reacting to, so trust your own instinct.  You can get lost over-thinking things.  In the moment, if I'm not comfortable with my dogs' interaction, I play it safe and tell them to "Knock it off", that way at least they learn what MY comfort level is!  And when it comes to pack order, that's all that matters ....


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