well, my husband just got orders for us to move to Arkansas. i am pretty nervous as in October is when we moved here and we love the house they have given us but with the military u go where they put you. so this also means my job as a dog trainer is going to be transferred as well. so now its time to find a new place. my hubby wants an apartment but i love having a house and so does teddy. when we had an apartment last time the cats were very stressed out and teddy was on edge all the time and he wouldnt go poop because he like privacy(i know, hes weird) also here i take him to the dog park on the Potomac river everyday so im at least hoping to find a good place to let teddy run off leach.In Arkansas  they have a dog park on the base and its on a pretty lake but i guess we will figure out how to tire him out. this will be the 5th move for me.


so i want to know is there anyone who lives there? anything i should know about? we are pretty excited but then again nervous

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o wow that sounds great! thank u for telling me about that:) it sounds like a fun place already! we should be moving there in 2-3weeks and hearing all the good things about the state makes me even more excited lol i have never been to a hot spring and that would be awesome to go hiking we could even meet up one time and go hiking with our corgis:D if u want to of course lol and u can too Elizabeth, corgi hiking/meet up:P lol

sounds great!


Sounds perfect!! Just let me know when y'all arrive. :))
awesome i will let u know :))

where is the base in Arkansas?  We live in Missouri, but almost on the border with Arkansas.......we camp there quite a bit.


There is some beautiful country in Arkansas!

its more in Jackson ville but they say its in little rock(??) just google jackson vile little rock AFB and it should come up:)
I'm almost to Arkansas: ) if anyone wants to hang out let me know!

We were in Hot Springs for a couple of months in 2008 for the horseracing.  We had the best time that we have ever had, the people were absolutely wonderful, warm and friendly.  We went hiking a couple of times looking for crystals, found some great ones.  My husband was ready to pack up and move, if he had his way we would be living in Hot Springs.....

Enjoy your time there......


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