Cosmo has now made it to adolescence and is forming some long-term habits. One of these worries me. More often than not, he doesn't lift his leg or squat to pee. It's getting to the point that while he's peeing he's also sniffing his surroundings and walking while going. He also often steps on the spot where he just peed. Naturally I'd prefer to change this behavior. Otherwise I'm constantly cleaning him up after a quick pee break. What's worse, others who take him out are probably not cleaning him up after his pee break. I'm guessing that this is more common in the short-legged breeds. Any thoughts on reversing this behavior? 

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Nimh, my male corgi, sometimes lifts his leg, sometimes just sorta straddles and piddles.  Why it's one way or the other, I haven't the foggiest.
This has become an incredible collection! Very interesting behavior. Thanks for sharing. I'm beginning to see a few patterns emerge but by no means are all doing the same thing. It does seem to help when I nudge him toward a tree or other appropriate object. ;-)


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