Hi i'm new to this site and i'm wondering if you guys can help??

I was wondering if anyone might have any information on any canadian pembroke welsh corgi breeders.. as the breeder that my parents bought Misty from has stopped breeding years ago. My parents are actively looking and I thought this being a corgi site even though I am from Canada you might be able to help us out. Misty was much loved and spoiled rotten and i miss how she wiggled her butt when she was saying hi. she never bit anyone and was more apt to drool on you . any information would be muchly apprceaited
thank you in advance.

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I don't have a pem breeder but I do have a cardi breeder who has puppies ready to go in the next two weeks. She takes great care with breeding. Her contact info is
Shelley Camm
783255 County Rd 9 RR3, Dundalk, Ontario, Canada N0C 1B0
web site. http://www.yasashiikuma.com/
West coast? East coast? Show / Pet quality? Consider rescue?

Has one listed. Try googling Corgi breeder + your Canadian Area Code. Google doesnt respond as well where as when you use US codes it finds the surrounding areas too. But if you try searching all near codes youll get something.

Here are the codes
thank you soo much my parents are determined to get another pembroke welsh tri colour fluffy
Fern Hunt
E-mail: waibourne@hotmail.com

Mrs. Irene Bader
Phone: 204-452-0218
E-mail: adair@mts.net

Ontario Quebec:
Bonnie Downing, Midland, On
Phone: 705-527-4177
E-mail: bdowning@rogers.com

Vancouver Island:
Margaret Power, Victoria.
Phone 250-598-8456

Helen Moulden, Sidney, BC
Phone: 250-656-7695
E-mail: hlmoulden@entirety.ca

Mrs. Andrea Tetlow, Victoria, BC
Phone: 250-479-1947
E-mail: btetlow@telus.net


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