(2007)I don't have any ID microchips in my corgis, was wondering if anyone out there has done it before.

(2009 update) I've since taken all my foster dogs to get chipped. It's cheap and the procedure is fast :)

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Abby has a microchip--it was already in place when I purchased her from her breeder. I hadn't thought much about them in the past ( I had a Lab/Reteriver mix that we rescued from the Humane Society).
I read an article recently from AKC stating that abductions of purebred dogs are up significantly this past year...(presumably for resale). Hopefully these microchips can help return the dogs to their rightful owners...
Charlie is chipped. I had a roommate in college who got a new dog. She brought it home after visiting her parents. We moved out a bit later and heard that she was in trouble with the law for stealing someone's dog. She had apprently taken this dog out of someone's yard on her way home from Tennessee and brought it all the way to Virginia. After deciding the dog was more trouble to her than anything else she gave it to a friend. The friend decided they didn't want the dog either so they took it to the shelter. The shelter scanned the dog and asked the person where they got it from. They said a friend gave it to them. The shelter informed them that this dog was reported missing from Tennessee so they called the girl who stole it and asked her where the dog was. She told them it had died. They called her out for lying to them since they were sitting there with the dog and then the whole truth came out. In the end the dog was brought back to its family in Tennessee... I pray that this doesn't happen to anyone else but after I heard about this I got Charlie chipped right away and I totally recommend it to anyone and everyone!
Both of my corgis are microchipped. Glory was a former "show" dog, so the breeder had her chipped already when I got her. I was able to change the ownership info quite easily. They are both registered with HomeAgain. It really gives me peace of mind. I mean, what are the odds that if they get lost, the person who finds them will speak corgi and understand that they have a happy home? Their microchip will speak for them.
Our AWESOME breeder microchipped Mac while he lived with her, and the microchipping was included in his cost. Most vets/shelters have either multiple chip readers now or "universal" readers which can read all makes, or at least tell that there is a chip in the dog. His chip has a make that I'm not too familiar with, but we checked into it and our vet/shelters can all read it - 24PetWatch. Knowing that Mac has the microchip makes me feel that much more secure...I make sure to keep the 24PetWatch site updated with all Mac's information.
I opted not to get Cheez-it from the breeder microchipped after reading about them traveling out of place at a young age. I know that "sam" said this is a fallacy and could happen reguardless of age, but I figure it would be better to have it done at 6mo with the neuter. Get everything done at once and possibly (not proven) reduce the risk of it moving around. Think of it as a more permanent collar-tag.
I do have one in Wyatt, he came with it...which is good since hes been trying to escape and chase people lately....he hates garbage trucks and people on bikes...he wants to escape and run after them. Hopefully he never goes awall on me.
I bought an AVID microchip and I administered it myself since it's just like administering a vaccine. I work w/ puppies all day long, and part of my duties are vaccinating pups. After I injected the chip I scanned it and it read it. Over at the vets they would charge $30 bucks just to administer the chip, that's what made me do it myself, no big deal.
You can get a microchip at petco if they do immunizations for a fairly low price or from your vet. Microchipping is when the vet places a tiny microchip just under your dogs skin through a needle injection. just to warn you, my puppy absolutely hated it..but its probably because it was a fat needle. Anyway, its really helpful if you dogs get lost because any shelter that gets a dog with scan for a microchip that contains all your information.
Our 3 year old Corgi came from the breeder with a microchip. All of my animals have one and I wouldn't think of ever not putting one in a pet!
Ummm, I hadn't actually thought of this for Grover. He's only just now 4 months old, so I think I'll just wait to check into it in a couple of months when we take him to get fixed. But after hearing everyone's opinions on it, it sounds like a good idea. Just for the piece of mind!
Didn't tought about it. I always wondered what happen if you move. Thanks for all the answers, I will start looking into it.
Scout is chipped. i would highly recommend it considering how the rate of dognapping has gone up. corgis and corgi puppies are pretty irresistible to anyone. also, i didnt know there was gps. that seems more reliable than microchipping..especially hearing that some of them dont scan...


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