I adopted Mowgli, a Cardigan just under a year old,  in January from a shelter,.  He's learned all the house rules very quickly and quite reliably : just two "accidents" when we first got him, no destructive chewing, has learned to stay off the furniture, earned the run of the house within 2 months,  walks without pulling ( I walk 3 dogs at a time on my left and he knows his place and keeps it)  does not go out the door unless I say his name, does not enter the  kitchen until the other two dogs have finished eating and come out of the kitchen (he eats in the laundry room, next to the kitchen)  and now comes the more impressive part....At night he is crated in my bedroom.  I bought an Imperial wire crate for him  that has a double sliding latch.  The latches are not straight and have to be carefully worked to open or close.  A  couple of weeks ago, when I got up, I was surprised to see him out and sitting looking up at me, I thought I must not have secured the crate properly.  Since then, every time I close the crate, I pull on the door to double check that it's securely closed. This morning I overslept and, lo and behold, there he was, sitting next to my other dog, out of the crate, quietly waiting for me to wake up!  Anyone else have dogs that can let themselves out of their crate?!?  I will be changing him over to another crate I have ( an old 5T, wish they still made them...) with a squeeze latch, but I just had to brag about my smart boy.

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I like the solid opaque VariKennels, more cave- or den-like.
The escape would make a good video if you can get it on camera.
It should be easy to render your latch dog-proof. Improvise.
Is this organized crime? Could he have had help from one of the other dogs?
I haven't met many cardis, but met a lovely one this weekend. A very mellow dog.
John, no help from the other dogs.  My mini dachshund is also crated in her  VeriKennel.  My older dog (12) a Border Collie/Blue Heeler mix is on a long lead by my bed.  Since my husband had surgery I make sure no one can trip him up in the middle of the night.... I could just put dog snaps on the latches, but I have another crate that will work better and he's grown some since I got him, so the bigger crate was in the offing anyway!  I find some dogs like wire crates best, and some like the more den-like VariKennel.
That's great!  Heeheee...what a smart pooch.  I like how he's just waiting patiently for you to wake up....something like "Oh good, you're finally awake!  I've been up for hours!"  LOL
He's quite the character!
teddy has escaped his crate many times and i have no idea how he did! he did it once for fun but the last 4 times it was because he REALLY had to pee. i felt so bad. i learned to get up no later than 8-9 on Saturday now lol he hasnt done it in some time.  what my husband has done is taken twist ties and put them next to the latches. if that didnt work he was going to take rope or an old leash and just use the hook and clip the door shut
Just buy the hooks at at hardware type store.  Mowgli loves his crate, runs and sits in it when he knows it's bedtime.  I just never had a dog that could get out of a well made crate, and I've had some smart ones. I always felt life was too short to be surrounded by dumb people or dumb animals, but the smart ones, both two and four legged, sure do keep you on your toes...

We every so often crate Tucker in a wire crate, which he loves.  The thought crossed my mind about him being able to slide that latch open, but so far he hasn't. We also gate Tucker in the kitchen, there are two gates, one is a gate that locks in place, and the other is just propped up and it slides open or closed.  I slide it behind the stove and it lays flat against the wall, and then slides closed and then the other side rests on a portion of a wall.  I hope I explained that clearly enough. 



A couple of days ago, Tucker was out of the kitchen before anyone had let him out, so when my daughter got home from school, I asked her, if she forgot to close the gate before going to school, and she said, no.  The next day same scenario, but I forgot to ask my daughter if she had not closed the gate.  Well, today I had him in the gated kitchen and I know for a fact both gates were closed when I went upstairs, and guess who came racing up the stairs, like look Mom, I got out...lol. 


He either just slides it open with his nose or paw.  We have used the same set up with Lance being gated in the kitchen but he never decided to push his limits, although he really is not a fan of gates, so that is probably why.  This just proves, I really need to get the walk through gate I've been wanting to get.


Then you can tell us how he figured that one out too....lol


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