Just got a Pembroke pup on Friday, her name is Sawyer, she is 12 weeks old and she is a little ball of joy. Very loving and loves to play, especially with other animals. 

Right now we're waking up at 6:30am, eating under half a cup of Royal Canin mini puppy food at 8:30..lots of trips outside, and then dinner (same amount) around 5:30pm and bed around 10:30. She's also being crate trained. 

As a this is my first time as a pet own, I would love any advice you have as experienced Corgi owners. Mostly information that when you first got your Corgi you wish you would have known. Also, please let me know if our schedule should be adjusted at all. 

Here are some photos of her.



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Change her food, corgis are more similar to a large breed dog than a mini/small breed, Royal Canin makes a large breed food or just feed an All Life Stages food, stay away from foods for small breed dogs (as a ps, the pet stores will often return open bags of food so as long as you kept the bag you can get a refund and buy a large breed food). Feeding a small breed food can lead to growth problems. Other than that, let her adjust to your schedule (and allow for lots of potty breaks) and you guys will do great together! The pictures are ADORABLE!! 

Things I wish I knew: Corgi puppies never stop moving....and never stop getting into mischief. As hard as it is, limit her space until she is reliably potty trained and won't get into things. If you aren't directly watching her, keep her in a crate or ex-pen. I treated Franklin like all the other puppies I have had in the past and boy did it cost me! He was always full of mischief. Also, he was absolutely the hardest puppy I have ever raised, but he  is now the BEST dog I have ever owned, so if you have a bad day with her, just remember, it gets SO MUCH BETTER! Franklin made me never want to have another puppy again lol. But man oh man do I love him now! I guess I am telling you this because there were times when he was a puppy that I wish I knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel! lol. 

I'm definitely starting to see how much of a handful she's going to be. She loves chewing the carpet and does not like being told no. Having said that, if i'm watching tv or on my computer she's pretty good with laying in her bed or the crate which is nice. Thank you very much for the advice! I will definitely keep everyone updated on her progress. The last bit of advice is very helpful, because I may have had a few panic attacks the first night I brought her home (I tend to over thing everything)

I started a thread about things you wanted to know about Corgis a while ago!  It's pretty packed full of answers. :]  And yes, definitely change her to a large breed puppy food!  Small breed puppy food can cause her skeleton to grow weird and it can affect her negatively for the rest of her life.

Thanks for the advice! I'm going to switch to Merrick puppy food (I've read that it's one of the best)


i do not have any advice here-i only have a cat right now, ill be a first time corgi mom sometime in the next couple months, hopefully! (will be ready for one, but going to have to wait for the right one!:P)

good luck and i hope that you get everything figured out smoothly!

Thank you! I will be updating this thread letting everyone know how things are going :)

Personally I would probably feed 3x a day for another month or two.   Otherwise your schedule sounds good.

Get lots of toys, start training her right away (start with sit, then come and leash manners).  Melissa is right; Corgi puppies can be a handful.  Until Jack was nearly two, if he was awake, he was moving.  They are a whole lot of puppy.  I will never forget walking into my living room when Jack was with us for a few weeks, finding my husband looking positively glum, asking him what was wrong and having him answer "The puppy is AWFUL."   I laughed and replied he wasn't awful, he was just a puppy but the truth was we could not walk across the floor without having to detach a puppy from our pants or shoes. He barked a lot, he tried to destroy every piece of wood in his path, and he never stopped running!   Just be patient, be consistent, and keep a sense of humore. 

Good luck!

Thanks Beth! When we have down time (if i'm watching tv or on the computer), she seems content to sleep/rest, but when she's playing, she's like a crazy woman. 

For feeding, the afternoon meal, would you recommend I get her the same amount as morning and night or split the portions evenly?

Thanks for all the advice :)

I started with three equal meals, then gradually reduce the noon meal to half the size of the others before phasing it out.  The breeder said twice a day, but vet said 3x til he was a little older and he seemed happier with the extra feeding.  

Yeah, she's always sniffing her food bowl. She definitely seems to like eating. I've added the 3rd meal in so we will see how she does. 

Do you keep the water bowl out all the time?

Yes.  When potty-training, pick up the bowl about 2 hours before bedtime or so.  Once she's an adult, clean water should be available 24/7.  

That was going to be my suggestions too, increase the feeding intervals to 3 or so.


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