We are bringing our precious puppy home tomorrow morning! We're so excited.  I've been pretty quiet on here... lurking and reading tons of posts.  Just wanted to get some suggestions for his first day home.  It's been about 6 years since I've had a dog in the house and I'm sure it will all come flooding back to me quickly :)  

A little bit about us:  My husband (Tom) and I have been together for 6 years; we eloped 2 years ago and we're having our big wedding celebration this May.  We have a 3 year old son and two older male cats.  Our old man of the house Pixel is a black Bombay cat that is going on 14 and we also have Sasha, our 4 year old Snowshoe.  The kitties have plenty of places to run and hide from the puppy if need be.  Mozart (Mozzie) is going to have full run of the living room and kitchen area.  The cats have the basement and full run of the upstairs.  

We are going to be crate training Mozzie for night time sleeping and for when we will be out of the house.  The way our schedules are set up right now, one of us will ALWAYS be home.  There may be about an hour a day where we are both out of the house, maximum.  When he is trained and mature we are planning on just letting him have run of the house.  It will take lots of time and patience before that happens and we're prepared.  We've puppy proofed the main level of the house for him and we have a large fenced in patio, but he will also have walks day and night around the block.  

I had a Pembroke when I was in a previous relationship several years ago.  Unfortunately I was not able to keep him when the relationship ended.  The dog was about 8 months old and it was heartbreaking.  I had really developed a bond with him :(  It's taken a long time to prepare for a new puppy love and we are so excited.

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Keep it simple and low key, let him explore and smell. I would bring an old towel/tshirt along unless the breeder sends this and just rub it on the other pups and parents then put it in his crate at night and he will still have their smell:). Introduce slowely and have fun. Remember to take him out often and especially shortly after meals and waking up. Pups do sleep a fair amount and so let him have breaks to get his naps in.



How exciting!  I will be bringing my (yet unborn!) Pem puppy home in June, so I understand your excitement!  It sounds like you have put a lot of planning into the homecoming and are well prepared!  I agree with Jane to keep it low key the first day. You already have plans in place to have a safe, small area for Mozzie to explore and feel comfortable in.  I crate trained my last dog for night time also.  The first couple of nights had a little bit of crying, I took her outside to potty once or twice, and quietly returned her to her crate.  It really only took her about 2 nights for her to settle.  Where will you keep the crate at night?  My last dog was in another room (my then-hubby wouldn't allow her in our room), I may have this pup in her crate in our room.  I've read pros and cons to both strategies, and I'll have to play it by ear.

I can't wait to see more posts and pictures!  Congratulations Amanda!  :)

Congrats and good luck!!!! :)

How exciting!!!!  Lots of pics!  We demand lots of pics!  My three lowriders have always gotten along with the 5 cats in this household.  Cats are pretty good at letting the pup know when he's gone too far.  Good luck and enjoy EVERY minute!


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