neeka is seriously driving me batty, the past week i have had to stop taking her to work, we have left her alone for a couple hours here and there before and have never had any problems. well friday she ripped open the garbage and got it EVERYwhere, seriously, the couches, the beds, everywhere, so i put the garbage up today when i went to work, when i got home she had chewed up my mop, my broom, my vaccumme wires and attachments, and books on a low book stand. so obviously she can't be trusted left alone so i will be crating her (you would think at almost a year she wouldnt be doing this stuff expecially with all the toys and bones she has) not only is she chewing up everything when im not home, she does it when im in the shower/bath or busy. i walk her an hour every morning and an hour at night (i used to walk her three-four times a day 45 min each and took her to work with me) and she whines ALL night for my attention, as soon as i get home she won't leave me alone im seriously at my witt ends! i don't know what to do. my mom thinks is because she is stressed, since she suddenly stopped comming to work, my boyfriend hasn't been home in a couple months and everything is packed up because we are moving (we have moved so much she knows what packing means and whines the whole time i do it) any suggestions to keep her busy? to stop the whining alllllll the time? and to stop the chewing when i am home? (i don't give her attention when she whines and when i catch her chewing she does get in trouble)

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yeah im planning to start crating her, i was just suprised because she has been able to run around the house (well she was locked in our bedroom until she was 8 months, then she got the whole house) everytime we would leave for a couple hours and she has never chewed anything up (except when she was like...2-3 months). i dont think she is teething i almost think she is chewing at home for attention or because she is stressed(it looks like all her teeth are in and i think they are set)
no i know she is just whinning for attention, its soooo hard not to scold her but ive been trying not too. she will do it 10 minutes straight and i know nothing is wrong with her haha i guess it will teach my paitence.
remember the seperation anxiety do and dont. Don't make a big thing of leaving. Don't make a big thing of coming home. Don't pay any attention when you come home until she settles down. I know there are others, and I KNOW it's hard to do!
I'll throw my name into the hat for crate training as well. If she's tearing up the house, don't give her access to it. But it should never be used like a jail cell. Don't crate her only when she's bad. Make it a proper routine, and a safe place for her. It should help her calm down as well.

It sounds like Neeka is seriously hyper! How much are you feeding her, especially how much protein? If you're feeding her the same amount, but she's not getting the same amount of exercise, that means she's got the same amount of energy in with no way of getting it out! Remember calories = energy. I definitely don't mean starve her, but try cutting back a tiny bit and see if that makes a difference.

For the chewing, does she have lots of chew toys available to her? Do you rotate them out or bring home new ones every few weeks/months? It's probably stress, but what if it's boredom? Try to make sure that she has "legal chews" around as good alternatives. When she's chewing on something bad, give her something ok to chew on, like a chew toy, and praise her lots and lots!
i don't rotate her toys haha but shes got laundry baskets full! i have been feeding her the same, im going to cut down.
Triley is 16 months old and he does this too and it also drives us nuts! He started out by ripping up and eating the bed in his crate and when we removed that he ATE the plastic tray at the bottom of the crate. When we leave him out of his crate he eats furniture, pillows, rugs, blankets, our new comforter cover, the collar he had to wear when he was neutered and he even chewed off a chunk of the wall in the kitchen (which is just great because we are renters - goodbye security deposit!). We tried the bitter spray but he would just find new furniture around the house - we can't spray everything we own! It only happens when we leave, so we know it is (at least partially) an anxiety thing. We've tried to be calm when we get home (although he is admittedly, still very excited to see us) and we walk him to the point that he is so tired he barely makes it home at least twice a day.

We do keep him in his crate when we leave now. When we are at work we actually put him in one of those puppy pens - it confines him away from anything he can destroy but also gives him more room to run around than a crate. It works, but I would really like to someday have a dog that can be left to roam the house when we leave!

So, I guess my question is that people always say "your dog isn't ready to be trusted around the house when you aren't home" - but how do you train your dog to BE ready? We've been told not to scold him when we get home because scolding only works when you catch him in the act - and he only acts out when we aren't there! I don't know how to train a dog not to do something when you aren't there to stop him from doing that behavior. Suggestions?
We take him for at least two walks a day, but he does have more energy than that (about an hour after his walks he is all up and energetic again). We want to do agility with him but his leg still isn't completely healed from his pano and we don't want to start until we know he can handle it. We are also going to take him to some "intermediate" obedience classes to see if that will help too. It is just all so frustrating! Thanks for the advice!


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