Chloe is six and a half months old, and has been having problems with a red third eyelid for at least the past three months. I'm wondering if anyone else had this sort of ongoing problem and what they've done to fix it.

I've attached two pictures that show how her eye looks now and what it looked like when she was much younger.

The problem is in her right eye only. The eye shows no signs of any brown "eyeliner", like her other eye does. The left eye's third eyelid is slightly apparent, but the eyeliner covers the part that is visible; it looks normal and healthy.

She seems to have slight allergies. She bites at her paws a little bit, rubs her face sometimes, and her eyes usually look slightly teary.

She seemed to develop this at least a couple of weeks after we got her -- we don't remember seeing this at all when she was first with us.

When we first noticed it, we took her to the vet, and they couldn't see anything apparently wrong. We've done all of the eye tests at the vet that could be done. We've tried giving her benadryl for a few weeks. We've tried daily eye drops for a few weeks. We've tried angel eyes for more than a month. Nothing seems to make any obvious differences.

I'm scheduling another appointment with the vet soon and will see how that goes. If the vet doesn't have anything to add, I might try to get another vet's opinion. I figured I'd post here, just in case someone else has run into this problem.



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It may just be allergies. Franklin has always had fairly prominent 3rd eyelids. No vet has ever commented on it and he's never had eye problems. Occassionally they will look redder but I think it is just an allergy thing.

Hi, thanks for the information :)

Maybe I'm worrying about this a bit more than I should. I just don't want her to have any irritation later down the road, in the case that this is more than allergies.

It looks like it may just be allergies. If you live in an area with cold winters it should lessen once winter comes if it's seasonal. Has your vet ever suggested trying claritin/zyrtec? We give it to Luke when his allergies are bad but I'm not sure with a puppy. 


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