Background for those not familiar: I got Ein as an adult a year ago. She's 4. She's been a dream dog. People always comment about how sweet and well behaved she is. So I've never really had to discipline her because honestly it's never really been necessary.

So why is she suddenly acting a little, well....sassy and bratty? It's nothing major, just little things like really getting underfoot and begging when we're eating (we don't give her our food and she's never begged before)....and ordinarily, at bedtime, I say, "Go to bed!" and she hops right in her crate. Last night I told her go to bed and she gave me the doggy equivalent of the finger and walked off.

I allow her to get on the couch, but if I want her off, ordinarily she'll get right off is I say to---but lately I practically have to shove her off. 

No aggression. Still sweet. What's going on her? Have I spoiled her by not really ever telling her "no"? (And I don't let her do whatever, but she never does anything bad!) Do I need to start being a mean mama more often?

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She's testing you...just like a little kid.  You don't need to be mean but she needs to be reminded that you are in charge.  A firmer voice and a quick action to make her do what you want.  My tow are 9 and 11 and they still have to test me every once in awhile.

Its funny you say she is 4. Franklin has always been the perfect dog and right around 4 years old he started being a bit of a brat. He would talk back a bit more and he started chewing things when I was at work and not being as responsive when I called him or asked him to do some command. I still to this day have no idea what that phase was all about, but it was just a phase and he is back to his normal sweet self. I think they just like to test their boundaries every once in a while to see just exactly what they can get away with. I basically just started doing basic obedience stuff with him for a little bit everyday, some easy leash work, worked on recalls, sit/stay, tricks, etc. just to remind him who was in charge. No meanness was needed, just a refresher course on what I expect from him.


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