1200 mi. road trip!!! Need tips/advice to make it easier on my lil baby!

So I'm moving out of state from Vegas to Washington state. The trip will be long esp. for my little Puki! I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me to make this trip easier for her. Anyone know any good traveling crates for a small Honda Civic? Should I take breaks every hour?

When I have to take Puki to the vet or the park I usually let her loose and sit on my lap and thats totally not going to happen if I have to drive on the freeway! Are the seat belt things for dogs a good idea or should I just stick to the crate? Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all!

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I've done up to 800 miles in one day with my little ones and the key is frequent stops--those are good for the driver as well. We stop at rest areas and parks. I have not crated mine, although it would be safer. I did make a platform for the back of the suv so that they could lounge and look out the window at the same time.That made a big difference. They really seem to enjoy watching the world go by If you can belt the crate in and elevate it so Puki can look out the window I think that would make the trip mor enjoyable for her.. Good luck to you. Washington State is beautfiul what a wonderful transition
I crate Gibson when we take road trips and he normally sleeps the entire time. I haven't had to take any rest stops with him yet, but the most I've driven is 3.5 hours. He's really good at holding it though.
welcome to Washington! We are in Puyallup.. we crate on trips over 45 minutes because Owen gets bored and he isn't a fan of windshield wipers.. and then he gets a bit annoying in a small car.
A crate is what we use. You can toss some toys back there and a towel and she can entertain herself or snooze.
I would worry that if she wriggles on of a seatbelt she'll try to be up on your lap which is really unsafe/distracting if you're on the highway.

Here's the one I use. It is great because it is also collapsible and big enough to use indoors too. It also serves as her overnight crate if she is spending the night with my parents when I'm out of town. Not cheap, but a good investment.

Thanks for everyone's responses!

Puki is 7 months now! Can't believe how time flies!

I will def. invest in a nice crate for her while we are on the road and make sure she is up by a window. She gets so excited when she sees people through the window! But then she starts barking all crazy when she realizes that they aren't coming up to pet her! lol. I will probably have to stay the night at a hotel so thank god for pet friendly hotels! And i'll have to plan accordingly for the parks and rest stops we will pass by.

I'm moving back home to a place called Silverdale, WA! Its a small Navy town but its my home! I lenjoyed the hot weather here in Vegas but I will def. look forward to the cooler weather but not the gloomy rainy days! I can't wait til winter though Puki will see snow for the first time and I know she'll make lil corgi angels in the snow!
I would definitely recommend a crate. I always make sure Theo's crate is filled with soft toys when we go on long car rides, but he always ignores them and just falls asleep. If Puki is awake, I would stop about every hour to hour and a half to give her a break, give her some water and maybe a snack, and a chance to go. If she's sleeping, just let her sleep.

I would also bring some paper towels, just in case she makes any kind of a mess. Also, bring something that can hold water, like her water bowl from home or a collapsible one, and remember some bottles of water too!

Also, if you're using a wire crate (I use the plastic kind), and you're going to put it in the back seat, I would use a blanket or something to prop it up to make sure it's flat. Theo's tends to slant a bit and he ends up kind of in the corner, which is fine for the plastic kind, but I could see that getting uncomfortable if it's metal bars.

Good luck!
We make multiple trips to Mt.Hood to snowboard and we always take Kitty with us.She'll ride,in a crate,3-4 hours without a stop and doesn't make a sound.She is great to travel with and she really loves the snow.Have fun with Puki in the snow!
We drove from Baton Rouge, Louisiana up to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to visit my mom when Ein was 4 months old. Then went from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, NY to see my dad, then back home from NY to Louisiana. He slept most of the time, but we did let him out (on leash) every few hours so that he could run and stretch. He loves to travel and he always goes on vacation with us.
Stop and run around the far margin of every other rest area (after the dog eliminates in the pet area).

Good for you, too. I drive Seattle --> SE Utah once a year , no cruise control, and got a shallow bloodclot in my immobile right leg once I think (I'm over 50).
There are various harness than clip into seat belts. I often use one, but on much shorter trips. Hard crates safer in an accident, maybe more comfy (ask Puki).

Gwynnie & Al say "Welcome to Washington". See our photos for some Cascade scenery -- you'd be amazed where a corgi can go.
Welcome back to Washington!
Make sure to join the corgi meetup group! corgi.meeup.com/102
As everyone has already said, definitely crate her. You'll know she's safe and not getting into anything and it is much safer in an accident.
I don't trust our Emma to be home alone outside of the crate, so she travels a lot with us, every time we leave the house for more than an hour or two, she comes with and she loves her crate. I would personally suggest using a wire crate as opposed to a travel crate made out of tent-material, the latter tend to contain heat very easily (we have a wire crate at home and a travel crate for the car and we really have to be careful she doesn't get too hot in the travel crate, plus she will be able to see out easier in a wire crate :] )


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