I put my 17 year old dog down yesterday. The grieving is harder than the actual bringing him to the vet and watching him go to sleep. He wasn't a corgi but I've loved him since I was 5 years old. He will be dearly missed. At first I thought Puck didn't care that he was gone. Except I had him in my bed before I put him in his crate last night and he was sniffing all over the bed. I think he remembered that's where Gizmo spent most of his time and would have been sure to find him. I just pray the Puck will live as long and happy of a life as Gizmo did. :)

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I am so sorry for your loss. They make a really special place in our hearts don't they! Gizmo will have plenty of great company over the Rainbow Bridge.
I am so sorry for your lost :(
I am so sorry for your loss. Its not easy losing a pet, hopefully each day will get easier for you.
Losing a loved pet is very difficult, and it just takes time to heal. My husband and I have had 6 dogs over the years, and most lived to a nice old age for a dog A few left us too early!
Be happy that you had so many years with a beloved friend, and just know in your heart you will see him again! Please be comforted in that. Most of us know your pain, and it is never easy.
So sorry for your loss of Gizmo.
May the peace that passeth all understanding be with you in these hours. We send you heartfelt corgi hugs and prayers, Bear, Tasha and Linus and Nancy
I am so sorry to hear about Gizmo. 17 was a very good long life. Take comfort in the memories.
Chester's Mom
Thank you everyone. As much as I've cried these past few days, I have so many wonderful memories that make me smile. I actually dreamed that Gizmo came to visit me one last time.. except he was fluffy again. And didn't hurt and when I looked in his eyes, they weren't cloudy anymore. Again thank you to everyone for the support. It brings joy to know so many people care for their pups as much as I do for mine. :)
i'm really sorry to hear of your loss and i can totally relate on how hard the grieving process is. we got ein a cpl of months ago and he is the first dog since brandy, my cocker spaniel of 9 years. she passed away about 5 years ago and i can honestly say that it was one of the hardest times of my life. i was a sophomore in college when it happened, an adult and i felt like i was 5 years old. i can say that the pain does go away but it will take some time before you can think of them without getting too emotional. i still get a little teary when i think of her. i just think of all the happy times and how i know she's watching over me :)


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