Nutmeg does not yodel. Superstar has been having a summer break over at my house, and I finally got to hear it! OMG! How adorable. I just love how they stretch in the morning when I let them out of their crates! We will miss SuperDooper when she leaves tomorrow. We had a I have to fix the floor boards they decided to remodel for me.

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So if your dog can yodel, you must learn to sing:
The Little Dog Blues
There is a yoga pose, "Downward Dog", named after that morning stretch.
Al stretches and does that endearing "Arrrroooooooooo" yowl, and it didn't take him long to figure out that this really works for us.
Soffie and I love to stretch in the morning!!! It's a regular ritual. Griffyn, on the other hand, has his own little thing... It's kind of like carpet sliding. He runs across the carpet, and dives head first, sliding while turning his body then over on his back!! We call it "happy boy, happy boy"!!
Jack does the head-in-the-carpet thing too! And he also does it in the grass outside, but in the grass it then proceeds to all-out rolling around on his back, legs akimbo, making happy yapping sounds the whole time.

Outside he mostly does it 1) If he's found a nice dead worm or something else that smells, or 2) If we are walking and he is making it clear that we can stay where we are and really don't have to continue home. It's hard to walk a dog that's upside down on his back.
My Dakota does the same thing! She's constantly rubbing her face and the ground. She goes in circles when she does it, making this cute "rrrr"ing sound. I thought she was insane! I'm glad other dogs do it too!
Mocha doesn't yodel, but he does the chewbacca sound when he stretch in the morning :)
Ah yes, the wookie sounds! Jack makes those when he's bored.
Sigh, and here I thought my little ones were bowing in obeisance to me every morning, winning me over with cuteness before reminding me that it's all about them for the rest of the day, lol. It is a nice way to start the day, I must admit. And for a while, I had a scratchy carpet, and Bertie used to do that funny thing too, running with his cheek down on the carpet, and then rolling onto his back and flailing his legs around. Sadly, I deep-sixed the carpet and now have wood floors, so no more happy dog -- now he waits and does it in the grass!
that's it! i'm gonna have to tape ein tomorrow morning. i'm not sure if he yodels but its definitely some sort of weird wookie-like howl. lol. heck, for all i know ein is yodeling. i'll post a video up tomorrow so you can let me know what he does exactly.
Awesome catch! I could listen to that over and over! Now I want to go home for a hug!
Loki does that too, however sometimes it is a lot lower, more wookiesh also. get at least one in the morning, it is his ,hurry up I want to go outside stretch noise.
Leo and Randy both yodel in the morning. Leo stretches once, Randy stretches like a long distance runner. I love their after sleep stretches and noises, so cute. Can these Corgis be any more precious I ask you.


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