One of my friends got into a car accident this weekend. She hit a patch of ice and rolled her car several times. She was fine and only got a few scratches and is a bit sore, but her dog (Jayda, a pit bull mix) was thrown from the vehicle. She had been riding loose in the car. When the paramedics picked up my friend, they dropped her dog off at a shelter for her to pick up after she got check out at the hospital. I find this part particularly sad because I can not imagine how scary and upsetting this was for Jayda, who loves her mommy and hates to be away from her. When she made it to the shelter, Jayda was lying in her cage and could hardly get up. It turns out she has a broken pelvis and will be going into surgery today.

Now to the point of this post. I would just die if something like this happened to my Paisley. I know some people recommend having the dog always ride in a crate, but for me this isn't practical. The crate just barely fits in my little two door car, and is almost impossible to get it in and out. So instead I have banished little Paisley to the backseat, much to her dismay, and I would like to get her a harness / seat belt thing. I was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations of a brand or certain type that has worked well for your corgis? Your help is much appreciated and I hope everyone is safe this holiday season, especially on those icy roads!

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We have this seat belt leash which you can attach to your choice of collar or harness. I recommend a harness since if you were in an accident you would not want them being restrained by the neck. We bought ours at Wal-Mart and it was inexpensive.
I like this idea, I need to order this!!
It's neat because it is also a leash and even has a little Velcro pouch you can put your keys or something in. The length is adjustable too which is helpful.
Be sure to NEVER attach the seat belt to a collar. ALWAYS attach it to a harness. Both of mine wear harnesses in the car and are very comfortable in them. We went to GA last year and are going again this year, from Iowa. When we stop for a potty break, I just attach the leash to their collars and unhook the seat belt strap from the harness leaving the harness on (saves time getting both of them back in the car and ready to go). I even put name tags on their harnesses this year in case of an accident. They have slide on tags on their collars so maybe it's overkill but better safe than sorry. I put phone numbers of people who aren't travelling with me in case I'm hurt someone will be called about the dogs.
Karen, I would add to your list getting your dogs microchipped. Should your dog end up in a shelter like that poor little pit bull, the microchip company would contact the emergency contact that you give them when the chip is implanted. This way your friend or neighbor or mom would know to go pick up your dog. This is also great when you leave the pets (cats especially) at home with a neighbor looking after them. Many, many animals run away in this situation. It's worth considering.
They are microchipped!!! Like I said, maybe overkill and hopefully nothing will happen but better safe than sorry. I'd hate to have two scared Corgis running lost between Iowa and GA. I would go nuts with worry and so would the hubby. Thanks for bringing microchips up. Pets need to be microchipped. I also have the vet check the chip when we go in for the yearly physical.
I am an enthusiastic supporter of car harnesses for dogs. A piece of advice is to get one where the harness clips directly into the belt clip via a strap. We started off with one that required the seatbelt to be passed through a loop on the harness but found Potus easily got tangled up.

We have on like this:
and it has been great.
I will look up into this one and the one that Alice recommended. Cosmo has hers and it's great. Nala wants to play 24/7 and ends up all tangled up too. I have to stop several times just to free her. LOL. Thanks for sharing.
Definitely try the one I linked to for Nala then. We had the same problem of having to stop to untangle Potus, and this harness fixed that problem straight away.
We have harnesses very similiar to those seen in this link to amazon. And we use them!! Prior to getting them we used the crates. Soffie likes the freedom to peer out the window the harness gives, and Griffyn gets as close to Soffie on the back seat as he possibly can!
I ordered this harness on your suggestion and just got it today.  I am impressed with the quality and it fits well.  My corgi is only 20 Lbs. There is plenty of room to make the the girth part bigger, but not much room to make the neck part bigger, so a larger corgi may need a larger size.  For us it's perfect. Thanks
Thank you for the great advice guys! I ordered her harness with seat belt adapter thing today! I found one sort of like the one that Potus suggested, that is affordable and I should be able to get it before the Christmas traveling, which was the most important thing to me. The other advice was very helpful as well! I believe all dogs should be microchipped, as well as all cats, and maybe small children (haha!), and so Paisley actually came from the breeder microchipped. I also liked your idea Karen about putting some extra emergency contact numbers in a slide tag on the dog, since sometimes your emergency contact might change depending on who all is around at the time. Thank you again guys and keep the advice coming! I think it is important for everyone to take some time to think about their corgi's car safety!


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