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^..^ Corgi~Dog~Mama's~Page ^..^

Profile Information

Small town, USA
About Me:
Mid-50's, gardener, book-lover, tea drinker.
Proud to have a grand-baby, with high hopes of another down the road. Love small town living. We see America in our RV, which we call the Corgi Doghouse on Wheels.
About My Corgi(s):
We have two tri-colored corgi kids; Jake our 8 1/2 year old male, is a flop-earred, loves everyone sort of guy. His herding instinct is very strong, so he wants to play all the time to stay busy. He gets behind me, tapping ankles and hind legs to get me going in the morning...irritatin'!
Addie, our 6 1/2 year old female isn't as easy going as Jake, and is a little moody, to say the least. She's uptight about most things, and barks and has a hissy fit whenever the phone rings. She's adorable though, and lord knows, I'm a real corgi nut. Tasha Tudor's books and illustrations inspired me to "think Corgi" years ago...and I never dreamed they would become part of my life, decades later! I'd love to have a red. They are like potato chips...I must have more....but hubby says, he's out the door!

Susan's Photos

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First up is our neurotic little female, Addie. She goes nuts when our cell phones ring, or the doorbell goes off. Yikes, what a hullabaloo. She came to us from living in a horse stall; meant to be a breeding dog, but she never went into heat. She's full of phobias, and fears, but is much happier with us, being spoiled rotten to the max. The next photo is when Jake met our grandbaby Emmy! That went over like a lead balloon as you can see. Then we have, our male Jake, or Jakie Joe as I call him, much to my husband's dismay. He's a good ol' boy who loves and trusts everyone. He doesn't know a stranger...and I suspect, he has a foot fetish! We call him our half-price corgi, because his ears didn't go up, we got him cheaper. His personality makes up for his floppy ears though. They do go up when he's excited, and that's enough for us!


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At 10:06pm on May 24, 2009, Zach and Lisa said…
We have a meetup time and location. Be sure to check it out in the events section under June 14th. Really hope you all can make it.
At 10:49am on May 12, 2009, Zach and Lisa said…
Hey everybody! I just called a few places to see who we could do a meet up with and I was only able to find one pet resort that would let us. It is in Castleton, IN. We would basically rent out an area for a couple of hours and let them run. I will get more details on everything tomorrow. The manager has to call me back for pricing and times and such. I was thinking 1-3 on a sat or sun? It would probably be around a month from now. Please let me know if you are interested and what would be best for you. I will do my best to get the most popular day and time.
At 9:56pm on October 22, 2008, CassieD44 said…
Thank you! We think so too. =) They're a little bigger now than those pictures, though! They're 8 months old but still as adorable as they can be. I love yours too! The tris are so beautiful. Initially, when we were only planning on getting one, we wanted a tri. Then I just happened to fall in love with the tri's sister, who was red and white. But I couldn't imagine life without both of them!
At 11:44pm on September 16, 2008, Beezie said…
Hi Susan,

Ahh, I bet Addie is looking divine and feeling fat and sassy from emptying that biscuit jar, LOL .

We got just one day of rain and I'm not sure if it was compliments of Ike or not but I have to thank him anyway. We really needed that rain!

Everyone is feeling better now, thank heavens. If it wasn't one person needing their medications or a trip to the doctor it was another.

Beazie just got her first 'big girl' groom today. She was very good, which surprised me, she usually wants to drink the soapy water, eat the comb, etc. "Dad" took pics so when I get the film developed I'll scan them into my page. I'm just getting around to putting her 9 to 11 week photos up. I need a new digital camera badly! Maybe after we recover from this latest round of paying for doctor visits, dentists, etc etc. It's always somethin'!
At 10:42pm on September 16, 2008, Beezie said…
Argh! Forgetful me! I meant to say I love the photos of your puppies and the rest of your family. Emmy is sooo darned cute, bless her little heart! Every one of you are beautiful!
At 10:40pm on September 16, 2008, Beezie said…
Hi Susan,
No, I wish I could say I did that artwork but I draw something closer to stick figures! I thought that the double corgi drawing was so cute tho, that I had to use it. Thank you for the welcome - Beazie and I are glad to be here!
At 3:01pm on September 16, 2008, Stephanie Jones said…
Yep, Tri-State. Well, Trine University now, the name changed Aug. 1st. It's wonderful coming home to Bella! She cracks me up with some of the things she does. Currently she's sleeping on the floor, with only her butt on her doggie bed. Lol.
At 12:39am on September 10, 2008, Arlette said…
welcome to another hoosier!! i love, love, love that pic of ur pupster trying to kiss ur grand-baby!! :) Very cute dogs!!
At 5:37pm on September 9, 2008, Jenni & Dave Fields said…
thanks susan.....we love it here in good ol' IL!
At 3:12pm on August 26, 2008, Terry Ramsbotham said…
It sounds to me as if Congrats are in order all around! You as a Mom and Josh as a man! There are heartaches involved with raising all children but when you have a child that has to fight not being "Normal" (lol) then there are different heartaches. But sometimes I feel as if the rewards are much greater. The battles may be smaller, but the rewards are huge! Josh sounds as if he is doing great! I get myself all out of wack if my world doesn't go as I have planned so who can blame Josh for having difficulty with the same. He is a functional, contributing member of your town and I would be willing to bet that there are many there without his challenges who are not! As a Mom you have done a remarkable job and should be so proud! Those of us that have the priviledge of being around and gowing old with someone like your Josh and my Jacob are the very luckiest! Hugs to you both.

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