Kail & Tara
  • Columbus, OH
  • United States
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Kail & Tara's Friends

  • Jess, Taryn and Dexter
  • Tre' Gaither
  • Alicia Keyes
  • Karen S. Yukawa

Welcome, Kail & Tara!

Profile Information

About Me:
We were dating for about 6 months when we visited a pet store to waste time before catching a movie. Getting a puppy was never a thought until we started playing with a little wiener dog and considered purchasing a puppy. We went back home and discussed the possibility of getting a puppy, but the big question was what kind. Kail remembered passing a cute little puppy that was eating his poop at the pet store and we decided then that we were getting a corgi (not the one in the pet store though)!! It was the best decision and we hope to get another one in a few years.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We got our Corgi back in April of 2009 and he was born on January 30th of 2009. His name is Maverick and is a mix of 3/4 Corgi and has 1/4 Chow Chow in him. He has the most personality I have ever seen in a puppy. His facial expressions are the best; he smiles a lot but also likes to sigh when he's annoyed and he has glare that could kill (but in a cute way). He gets into trouble sometimes but overall he's a great dog.
I have:
Corgi mix

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 3:51am on August 27, 2010, Tre' Gaither said…
I am trying to organize a Corgi get together this Sunday, August 29 from 4-6pm at the Pooch Playground Dog Park (at Pizzuro Park) in Gahanna

Pooch Playground Dog Park (at Pizzuro Park)
940 Pizzuro Parkway (off South Hamilton Road)
Gahanna, OH

Hope that you and Maverick might be able to make it.
At 9:12pm on October 21, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
That's an awesome deal it will be at least $250 here to get the job done and that is not even for an overnight stay!!!!
At 1:46pm on October 21, 2009, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 9:36am on October 21, 2009, Tammey & Caven said…

At 12:32am on October 21, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
A month!! ugh! Never so glad to see them get around normally after something like that!!! How much is it going to cost yu for neutering???
At 12:17am on October 21, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
Edward hurt two toes just chasing our other Corgi Gem around a corner of our yard! No breaks just a lot of soft tissue swelling and discomfort! He only had to wear it for a week(longest week of our life) and had to take anti inflammatory for a week. He's out of the cast now and so far he seems to be doing pretty good! Next, he has to be neutered! Not looking forward to it,but better in the long run I think! Maverick is sure a cutie, how long was he in his cast??
At 9:50pm on October 20, 2009, Edward and Gemima gave Kail & Tara a gift
Edward was a May day baby born in '09! We love him to pieces!!! He recently had a cast on check out our profile for photos! I noticed your puppy had one too!!! What is his name???
At 9:07pm on October 20, 2009, Alicia Keyes said…
just wanted to welcome u and ur little one! I also got my little girl back in april and now its amazing to watch her grow up! hope to talk to u soon!
At 2:45pm on October 20, 2009, TALLULAH said…
Hello Kail & Tara!
At 1:58pm on October 20, 2009, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome, Kail and Tara!
At 12:53pm on October 20, 2009, Karen S. Yukawa said…
I've just joined in the past couple months. Welcome! Hope you're having fun with your corgi, they're a blast!

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