Appa and Iroh
  • Female
  • Hickory, NC
  • United States
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Appa and Iroh's Friends

  • Samantha Rose Standish
  • Brianna and Draco
  • Tomahawk and Fences
  • Tomi and Story
  • Diane
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson

Appa and Iroh's Discussions

Think my girl is depressed, don't know what to do.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Appa and Iroh Feb 7, 2017. 8 Replies

(sorry so long but i have to include some background) So...our family (me and the two pups) has been through a lot of changes in the last 2 years. Most notably-- moving 3 times last year and me…Continue

Tags: Resource, Hoarder, Jealousy, Toys, Suggestions

Is 2 Corgis Chewing on "bones" in peace/sharing toys possible?!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Steph Bussema Oct 4, 2014. 6 Replies

So we added a puppy to our family about a month ago. Appa is doing pretty well with him. But if I give them treats (anything to chew on)/or if they're eating/or playing with toys-- Appa is…Continue

Tags: angry, training, help!, snarling, growling

Sudden issues with going outside to potty.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Holly Aug 16, 2014. 4 Replies Appa is 2 years old, very well potty trained and has just now started having issues with going out to potty. She's not using the bathroom in the house but is holding it and doesn't "ask" to…Continue

Keep Away--does your corgi do this?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Appa and Iroh Jan 31, 2014. 11 Replies

Lol, Appa loves to play keep away. She'll bring a toy and squeak, squeak, squeak it until you try to take it then she scampers off with it. Then back to me and squeaks some more, etc etc. She tries…Continue

Gifts Received (1)


Hey There!

Profile Information

Taylorsville, NC
About Me:
I'm Leah. Corgi mama as of 5/5/12! :D
otherwise, I work as a photographer/graphic designer, love the outdoors, huge bibliophile and DIY enthusiast, I'm kind of a jack of all trades and just want to keep learning, traveling, and living life as fully as possible. My pups definitely add so much love and joy to my life--don't know what I'd do without them!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Appa Gene GypsyQueen (named after Appa, a flying bison on the cartoon Avatar the Last Airbender and Eugene Hutz of the band Gogol Bordello) is a bandit faced little monster who loves all the attention she can get and tries to talk to her humans all the time ;). Her little bro Iroh (named after another Last Airbender character--a goofy and carefree yet badass tea loving ex-military general) is a derpy, happy go lucky little guy who loves to snuggle, stay right on your heels, and run around at full speed when he's not annoying the piss out of his sister ;).
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At 9:14am on January 14, 2013, Samantha Rose Standish said…

Haha. Mozzie would've torn the tree apart. We chose to use a fake one that sat on the dinning room table. So there were no needles and no chance of him getting to it. Maybe next year when he's not only 5 months and chewing on everything for Christmas we'll try a real one. lol

At 6:07pm on January 12, 2013, Brianna and Draco said…

Sounds like smooth going!  Thanks again for the info.  By the way, I saw your most recent blog post, and I hope Appa feels more like herself soon.  It was definitely hard on my dog the times my dad was deployed growing up.  It's hard enough on the humans who know where and why someone has left the home.  Best wishes to both of you. I hope the time apart passes quickly!

At 1:04am on January 12, 2013, Samantha Rose Standish said…
We are military. Hubby's a Marine. :-)

Love how your Appa doesn't look like he wants to kill your Christmas tree, our Mozzie would have ha.
At 4:26pm on January 6, 2013, Brianna and Draco said…

Thanks for the response!  Which carrier did you use?  No trouble from the airline at all?  I don't even have my puppy yet (late spring/early summer arrival!) but I typically have to make travel plans home to California quite far in advance, so I'm trying to figure out logistics before I have more immediate distractions :)

At 9:21pm on December 2, 2012, Laura and Tommy Jefferson said…
Thanks so much!! Love your photos!!! Appa is beautiful! :)
At 1:03pm on June 18, 2012, Bax & Zigs & Rosie said…

Such a cute puppy!!

At 3:57pm on June 6, 2012, John Wolff said…

Looks like a short-tailed ferret.

At 5:35pm on May 21, 2012, Henrys Person said…

welcome! super cute pup!!!

At 5:42pm on May 20, 2012, WhiteDove gave Appa and Iroh a gift
Have a wonderful evening. . . . .
At 10:39am on May 19, 2012, Lois B. Allen said…

Oh, I know.  I call mine the little devil, which he can be when he wants toooooooo.


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