Baden is now 11weeks today! i cant believe how big he is getting! i swear he grows an inch every night lol i am happy to report that everything here has been going great. Dollar and Baden play all day, sleep together, and even chew the same bone together. they are now joined at the hip and are very happy. Baden has been doing great with his socialization. he goes right up to people and kids without hesitation and when he sees dogs he says his hellos and then carries on. he is listening very intently to me and my husband and now knows 100% what NO means and to go to the door when he has to potty. he loves his evening walks very much and now knows to walk on a lose leash until we give "the ok" command and he is free to go ahead to sniff or run. he loves to run beside us! he gives us this little bow when he wants us to run but if he ignore it now harm done:)

he sits for his food now and if he has something hes not suppose to we just say "give" and he drops its immediately. when its time for me to go to work he sees me putting down news paper and goes right into his X-pen and lays in his bed. he tries very very hard to hold it while i am gone as he only pees 1time in a 4hr period. as soon as we say "come on" he heads right to the door and does his business and then runs right back to us.  the only thing we are working on his his play biting but hes leaning very quickly so i am not worried.

my only question is when him and dollar play, sometimes he gets to rough and bites her ears and such but even when she corrects him he just runs away and then runs back for more and keeps doing it to the point where shes so annoyed she will jump on the couch. should i intervene? or let them work it out?

  also badens nails have been only cut 4times with ordinary nail cutters but filled down 2times because the side walk trims them for me, i am a little concerned that in the future he wont let me cut his nails. he lets me play with his feet/nails but hes so hyper that he cant sit still very long lol option on that please :)

thats my only concern right now, heres some pics!

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Adorable! I would give him a time out when he gets carried away and does not stop after Dollar clearly has had enough. Either remove him to a quiet place or leash him. They sure are cute together! Sounds like he has plenty of energy for some more walks.

Thank u! He has a ton of energy that i dont know what to do sometimes lol i will take your advice and hopefully it works:)

Love, love, love the last picture. I think it is so precious how Dollar loves her little brother. My husband hadn't seen any pictures of Baden, so he was drooling over all his pictures. I still can't get over how similar Dollar and Baden look. Give your babies hugs and belly rubs from me and corgi kisses from Noodles. (Thanks for making my night. I love hearing about your babies and seeing pictures.)

Aw your welcome. Im glad i made your night:) i think its cute that your husband liked the photos as well. I gave them hugs and kisses that u sent to them:)

See the claw-trimming FAQ.   If you never hurt him, it'll be easier.  Esp. with the dark claws where you can't see the quick, cut small, cut often, cut when wet (much softer).  Mark it on your calendar, keep track (important).  Every Sunday?  I just cut tiny traingles and let the pavement do the rest.

Also, see my modified martingales in the collar FAQ.  Over-the-head.  Our dogs don't wear collars inside (they are chipped in case they get out unexpectedly).  Most collars seem way overweight to me; they do not have to hold a car.  We had a harness wear real sores on the collarbone (of all places).

Im going to make sunday grooming day for them as thats what i did for teddy. Hes doing good with his nails so far. Hes very good about everything that i want him to do. I have always prefered a harness but i know they are not for every dog. I like using a step in harness for.puppies as, from my experience, respond better to a correction better,also i dont want to use a collar on a young pup as i dont want to hurt his neck. But once baden is older i will use a martingale collar.As for dollar she was wearing teddys green harness but it was to big for her so she would slip out so i got her a martingal collar.

Yay!!I've been drooling for some more puppy pics :).I also love that last pic.It's amazing they are not related!!About Your trimming toenail questions:We have always made a point of making sure to touch/massage each little corgi foot every day to keep them used to You playing with their feet.I don't know why they are such boogers about their feet,but You really have to keep up the touching,then they just think it's fun to get their nails trimmed,or the hair trimmed between their pads.I think Baden's just being a puppy teasing Dollar.He'll grow out of that biting thing with Dollar correcting it or a nice "hand bite" on his side to let him know he can't get away with it :).I agree with Bev L,more walks won't hurt him and maybe he needs time just with You or Your Hubby alone.Dollar would probably like the quiet time!!

Lol she does enjoy her quiet time! She is very happy when He falls asleep so she can do what she wants. I was hoping he would grow out of the biteing thing but a few timeouts dont hurt:) i have always wondered why dogs hate there feet touched but so far he dosnt care if i touch them:)

OMG they are adorable.  The last picture is my favorite.  What a smart boy you have!  How'd you get so lucky?  I remember when Seanna got to the 4-6 month stage how dorky she looked.  Not cute and cuddly, but kind of like a teenager just hitting puberty.  

For the nails, get him used to lying upside down in between your legs while you sit on the floor.  Make him submit to it.  (You have to do it over and over).  This will make doing nails MUCH easier in the future.

You're a good "Dog Mom" and his smile says it all!


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