funny story from the vet-if worried about dog eating random things

When i took scout into the vet to ask her about his lack of eating, we discussed how it might be because he has eaten some of the stuffing from his fuzzies. She said that if he doesnt vomit or poop it out it out that they would have to go through surgery at which point my eyes got huge and very concerned. She said not to worry though because her airdale terrier had the same problem and was worse because he would literally eat her laundry. she said once, that he had eaten 8 black risque underwear aka thongs and told her dog that he was just going to have to poop it out because there is no way she was going to the hospital. she couldnt imagine the sheer embarrassment of having one of her colleagues pull out her underwear from her doggie. luckily, he vomited up one, and passed the other 7 whole. apparantly most dogs are equipped with such gastronomical flexibility!

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our schnauzer that we had before Stella got into the bathroom trash and ate tampons. people that never even met Jeffery knew the tampon story. he had to have surgery. how do they always know that we just got our annual bonus?

he had problems with pica at different times. we don't know if it was connected to the seizures.
Twinkie has eaten ALOT of stuffing out of toys and (thankfully) it has yet to be a problem. Of course, picking up poop in the yard is pretty interesting. I have found piles with fluffy stuffing in them, piles with green saftely fencing (used to keep her from falling off the deck as a pup), and loads of other stuff. Its no wonder we are currently dealing with a Corgi with a bad tummy. Its always something, isn't it?
aahhh yes. We find interesting things in LO poop. Mainly stuffing and plastic.
My son's doberman has a habit of eating things she should not when bored. So far she has had three surgeries to remove things she ate. That is at $1500 or more each time. Next time she does it the vet says it is unlikely that she will live so we no longer have any sense of humor about it! Now that she lives with us we are very careful to not leave anything out for her to get into. (wastebaskets under counters, dirty clothes in closets etc.) If we are not home she gets kenneled with a kong only. At night she sleeps in the kennel. Of course she can't have any bedding or soft toys. It is a shame but I know better than to feel sorry for her because that is why my son was not careful about kenneling her. I give her as much excersise as possible(considering I never planned to have such a large dog) and keep a close eye on her. I am glad my corgis never had this problem!
Its always best to seek medical advice from the vet since many objects can cause an obstruction that will kill your dog. Even after they go through surgery if not soon enough..the toxins the body accumulates can still kill the dog. This is not be taken lightly. Dogs that have an obstruction can vomit repeatedly. Never leave unattended dogs w/chew toys or things they can easily digest that they can choke on or swallow but not pass through the colon. As we all know..Corgis are scroungers and pick up anything. This is one of things that scares me the most...Obstruction. I've heard of many dogs found dead to later find out they ate the stuffing out of the toy that was left in a crate w/o being supervised.


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