Hey everybody,

I got just got my little corgi pup three days ago! =]]] The breeder gave me some purina dry and wet food, I'm thinking about switching it, but I don't know what to feed him. What do you all feed your dogs and what are some good brands to feed them? Please let me know! Thanksss

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I use California Natural for Mei. I had her on Science Diet....but it made her breath smell really bad. ><;;;
First was Purina then I switched to Science Diet.
Here's some answers from previous thread
dogfoodanalysis.com is a good website.

We're in the process of switching over to Wellness Puppy brand food for Bailey. =D It's good stuff!

Just make sure when you switch, you do it gradually over 1-2 weeks. Our breeder also had Bailey on that crapppyyyyy Purina stuff.
Thanks everybody! I just went ahead and bought some Nature Diet and nutro natural ultra puppy to mix with, hope it's good! Now... I just have to pick a name for him! :]
Nutro is a no-no. Its had lots of recalls and many people on here have had bad experiences using this food with their dog. I rec. Canidae but its not sold at Petco or Petsmart, only specialty pet stores.. You can go for Wellness which is very good and is now sold at Petco or Petsmart.
I fed my Corgi puppy Nutro Max puppy, which I had fed my Samoyed years ago. I read in the Samoyed Quarterly about another food called Canidae, and that's what I'm giving him now (he's an adult today), but they do make a puppy formula. It's all natural, and very good stuff, from what I can tell. My Corgi love it.
We currently have Lily on Science Diet but are switching her to a holistic dog food. I would recommend the dogfoodanalysis.com website, it gave me a lot of good information. There are some really good dog foods out there! Good luck with the food choices and good luck finding a name!
My vet recommeded a good large breed puppy food when Duncan was little, believe it or not. He started to limp and I was afraid he had hurt himself, so I rushed him to the vet. Lucky, no tore ACL or anything. He was just growing too fast for the growth plates in his legs. He stated that is what large breed puppies can do and end of with leg and hip problems. You may want to ask you vet about that.
Well its kinda like, you need to decide wheater you are going to feed dry or wet? grains or no grains? and what level of dog food are you willing to buy. 3-6 star?
We feed Mochi Orijen 6 Fresh Fish, which is a dry, no grain, 6 star rating (dogfoodanyalsis.com) food. She loves it BTW, she used to be a picky eater, and this help because i think it taste quite good to her!
i feed canidae all life stages, and im considering moving to orijen (sp)


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