So... I bought the book "Dog Behavior Answer Book" by Arden Moore, but the book hasn't arrived yet and I have a question on doggie behavior!

Bailey and I went for one of our usual morning walks yesterday morning when a guy and his fluffy pomeranian walked by. We let each of our dogs sniff one another and they were fine, welll... the more Bailey sniffed - the other dog just stood there tail wagging and sniffed back.. but as we were walking away, the Pomeranian started to pull, breath heavy (cause of the pulling) and then stopped, stared and started almost like a running in place motion except it was like on a treadmill - no foward movement. he just dug each paw in to teh cement ground, repeat and repeat. Well... I was wondering -does this mean that other dog wanted to fight Bailey? It was strange.. and I'm curious if anyone knows? It's like that other dog was trying to kick up sand (like what a bull would do before he charges - but this pomeranian was doing it with all four paws?)

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im not sure but if his hair wasnt raised or he wasnt growling i doubt it. neeka does that when she wants to play with a dog and i hold her back BUT im no certain, other people might be able to help more.
no hair raised or growling (at least on baileys end, and no growling on the poms end - i dont think id be able to tell if the poms hair was raised-they are quite fluffy), but the whole thing just looked really really reallly funky. Bailey wasn't afraid either, he wanted to jump and play - but then again Bailey isn't much afraid of anything except the vacuum cleaner and hula hoop.
LOL Pomeranians have no idea they are not the size of a Malamute! They were bred down from a much larger Spitz-type dog which was a tough sled-pulling dog. If the Pom was not barking, snarling, or growling he was probably just bullying his owner to let him off leash to play. : - )
hahaha either that or maybe showing off his new tap dancing skills (without the shoes of course). =P
it sounds like the dog was maybe marking or peeing. there are a couple of dogs that do that after they pee or mark at the dog park. one of them is actually a pomeranian. like people have said, poms rarely dont defend themselves. it would have been growling, baring its teeth and all that jazz if it didnt like bailey.
It sounds to me like it was a show of dominance. Not aggression, just a little man syndrome kind of thing. Dogs usually scrape their hind feet as another way to mark their territory. Doing it with all four paws is a smaller dog thing, since their frames are so much lighter, they can easily use all four legs to kick up the ground. I think that's what it was. :-)
My corgi mix Bruce does this whenever he pees. Someone once told me that smaller dogs do this in order to make their "mark" seem bigger, like it came from a bigger dog. I really don't know if there is any truth to that, but it's funny when he does this at the dog park; all the other dogs (and some owners) end up with a dust bath!
Did the pomeranian lower his front? walking / scratching in place could mean an invitation to play. There was no hair sticking up or showing teeth right?
oo thanks everyone! makes sense, cause the pom wasnt running around when doing this - kinda like standing his ground. makes sense now. but nope, the pom was standing straight up and doing this! no hair and no showing teeth! so it might have been something where the pom was just saying "hey little buddy - you stay right there - im the king on this block and all the ladies belong to me" but of course bailey just read that and laughed and wanted to jump on him. hah! =X

thanks again everyone!


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