What does your corgi get his/her mouth on that they shouldn't??

Is there something that your corgi constantly goes after that they REALLY shouldn't?? Blaze will grab WHATEVER just so I will chase him to get it back, until I learned to just act bored and play with one of HIS toys until he drops the pen, shoe, hammer, whatever. . .but Blaze seems to have a severe weakness for BRAS and dryer sheets (he loves to shred both). He will actually stick his head in the dryer to steal the dryer sheet. I suppose I should start listening to my boyfriend and put these things out of Blaze's reach. . .:)

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Mac is a little devil!!!! He gets mad when we leave him home alone, so he chews up wires.. but only ones that are plugged in. So you would think once it shocked him he would quit, but he doesnt. he just keeps going back and back.(but only my parents!!!) and also he loves bugs and my underwear,but only my victoria secret ones, its like come on you cant chew on the cheap ones?!?! lol
Gibson loves our shoes and slippers..and anything made from paper! Outside, anything goes! He will seriously walk through the grass like a vacuum sucking things up. He stuck his nose in the dirt the other day and dug out a dead cicada! It was huge and he ate it up like it was the greatest meal of his life.
Wow, that made me laugh so hard I started crying!!!!
There's only one thing that Mac is slightly reluctant about putting in his mouth and that's

.... his tooth brush. LOL
My two corgi's love eating doggy poop! YUK! They don't do it all the time, but it's enough for me!! Sometimes they'll even play with it, like a toy! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuw!! They are still cute though!! haha. i brush their teeth afterwards!!!!!!!!
Georgie LOVES socks!!!!! and shoes!! I often have a collection of shoes and socks on my bed hehe so cute!
My puppy likes squirrels' poop, and there is a lot of it outside. I always drag him out, but still... it's so disgusting.

I don't know... May be he is missing some vitamins or minerals?
Doggies just like poop of all sorts. It is a facination they seem to have. When I took my dog to a herding farm for her first lesson that was all she wanted to do was eat sheep poop. Apparently all new dogs do this when they first start herding - they can't eat it fast eno - even the ones that had no desire to eat poop before like my Bernie.
Uh...pencils! It's getting crazy. My daughters are artistic and constantly sketching, so we have pencils all around the house. Even though we make a point to keep them out of corgi reach, he always manages to get his mouth on one. I don't know if he's attracted to the smell of them, the shape or what.
What is it about the pencils? I don't think we have an intact pencil left in the house.
Lance loves pencils too, when he was younger if one was left out by one of my daughters he would be sure to get it! This morning he shredded one of their Minnie Mouse hats they have had since they were toddlers! He left in on the floor in pieces and innocently was laying on the
couch when I came to check on him!!! Cant blame him though the closet door was left open, he could have had a field day with shoes, gloves you name it!! That is his way of saying hey take me for my walk!
Caleb chews the remotes when he's mad at us, we've learned to put them up when we leave now. He likes to steal Sophie the kitty's catnip mouse on occasion. He EATS spiders! Sophie will find one, and Caleb will notice her zeroing in on it. He'll run over to she what's she's found, then EAT it before Sophie has a chance to play with it. He used to steal my boyfriend's dirty socks. Caleb didn't get in much trouble for that, however, as I've been trying every trick in the book to get my boyfriend to pick the blasted things up off the floor / out from underneath the coffee table / out of the entryway, etc. Once we discovered that Caleb had developed a taste for nasty socks I haven't had to bug my boyfriend about picking them up anymore, as he has learned he does not appreciate socks with holes in them!

Who knew it would be easier to train a corgi than a boyfriend?!?!?


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