Hey there...Becket officially turned 4 months on Monday<3 and what a little personality that hes developed...one that favors my boyfriend greater than myself-
I find that even though Im trying to be the disciplinarian, my boyfriend gets a better "reaction" from Beckett when hes told to do something.
Maybe im just being sad that hes just never as excited to be with me as Daddy, my boyfriend things its because he doesnt take me seriously when I get mad...
Like when he has accidents in the house
Anyone have any advise?

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Does your boyfriend spend more time with Becket? If so, he could view your boyfriend as the one in charge. I spend more time with Lance and he views me as the one in charge rather than my husband because my husband doesnt spend as much time with him, when it comes to disciplining he takes me more seriously. For example I never tolerated Lance mouthing my hands and so he doesnt to this day I am trying to get my husband to not let Lance mouth his hands! Maybe you could take Becket for more walks and bond with him and feed him his meals, that may help also.
Attending a training class together and practicing every day in addition to feeding and play will establish a bond with a pup. You might sign up for a puppy class.
He-he, I was jealous at first, that Charlie seems to like my husband more. Because my man is so masculine, and dominant, and he is a leader in our "pack", which includes him and me:); and also he spent a lot of time playing with a puppy on the mornings since he has such a flexible schedule.
Also my friend told me a story about how her boyfriend "took over" her dog. The boyfriend worked from home and formed such a bond with her dog, that the dog even didn't want to follow her commands and pay attention to her. Of course, it was a break-up story :) Sounds crazy, isn't it? Ok, ok, boyfriend had other flaws too :)

And I longed this puppy for so long! So, I asked my beloved husband just to let me be the primary puppy "caretaker". Of course, he agreed (with a good laugh, though).

I feed Charlie, I walk with him more often, and for the longer walks, I teach him, and tomorrow we are going to have a first puppy class. So far, so good. We are forming a bond.

I hope you understand me right: I don't want Charlie not to love my hubby. I just want him to love me not less than him :)
I totally get you! Are all the puppies forming better bonds with the significant Other, the opposite sex? Mochi seems to favor my Boyfriend over me. She will lick him on the face and will not to me. I think she see's him as the pack leader. We've taken up some agility classes, i take her on walks, feed her, and groom her. I am the primary care taker and Mochi will settle for me when I'm around but favors my BF. But I have started to notice she will run to him right when he gets home but after a hour the "glorification of my boyfriend" wears off and she'll start following me around the house and sit with me again. So I all the time that i spend forming a bond with her has defiantly help.

Also i swear when we are sleeping she will snuggle up with me right when she thinks he's asleep or not looking.. otherwise all the attention is on him.. ha ha
How does your bf disciple vs the way you do it?
i found the SAME thing, my boyfriend says i sound hilarious when i get mad at her and i basically squeal and thats why she probably didn't take me as seriously. so i tried being "calm and assertive" and lowering the tone of my voice when i get mad. also i found teaching her tricks helped her listen to me alot more.
I have a question. How many people should teach a dog? Should it be just one person, or it does not matter?
Cesar believes everyone in the household should have the same rules for the dog to give him consistency. Makes sense to me for everyday activities. If a person wanted to go farther with training, I suppose it would be their responsibility to put in the time to practice and form a closer working relationship with the dog.
thanks, Bonny! Caesar is a big authority to me too :)
You are SO RIGHT Bonny.. It makes a better dog in the long run.. If people could only raise children with such consistency. LOL.....
I have found in our household that we are "consistent" in the training.. Everyone interacting with the puppy is in agreement that certain things are done a certain way while the puppy is learning crate training , or to stay or sit or whatever. With everyone involved, the puppy doesn't get confused, and the learning seems to become "cemented" better in the long run.
For us, I feel like Grover wants to be with me and snuggle and play with me, but he takes my husband more seriously. I spend the most time with him, I take him his training classes and walk him and bath him and clip his nails etc. Husband just plays with him and helps walk him if I can't for some reason. But when he listens to my husband WAY better than he listens to me! I think Husband just has a much better assertive voice. I'm not sure!


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