Just taking a survey. I know you have should not bathe a corgi too often or their skin can dry out, but spring time is so dirty!! How much is too much and how much is not enough? Thanks in advance for any input!

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I usually do it every 4 weeks, and try to wait longer in the winter since it's so dry. However, I notice that the shedding gets uncontrollable at a certain point, and sometimes a nice little bath helps a ton. I wish I could give baths more often...
Does the skin dry out though from the frequent baths? That was something I never could figure out. I did notice once during the winter, I have my pup a bath after 4 weeks, and he looked like he was flaking. It was very strange.
Love the Zoom Groom. I like Zoom Grooming him before the bath to get all the loose hairs off and then using it when he's all soaped up.
My vet suggested no more than once a month, and less often is better. (I live in a dry climate, so more rain or humidity might mean more need to bath). He essentially said "Don't bath him unless he gets stinky." Charlie doesn't have much of a doggie smell, though I do rinse his feet off in just plain water fairly often since he pees and then steps in it. LOL

If you saw flaking right after a bath, you may not have gotten all the shampoo rinsed out. I noticed with Charlie, I'll rinse, then rinse again, and again..and again...etc. etc. Seems like the shampoo wants to stay in his fur. I follow with a conditioner, which I think helps moisturize a bit and get the last bit of shampoo rinsed out.
I bathe Winston about every three months, if I have to do it sooner then I will, usually I just don't use too much shampoo. Most of the time he just gets his paws real dirty so I clean them real well with a rag or something like that.
I'm bathing Zephyr every two weeks cos I live in small apartment and she has a VERY doggy smell. Maybe it's just me, but I can't stand her smell longer than that =>.<= . It doesn't seem to bother her skin or anything and I just use generic puppy shampoo (oh no!).
This is going to be dependant on the dogs particular activities. I would say usually once a month is sufficient. Some dogs do more activities outside and get much dirtier then others. If you are having a problem with flakey skin you may look at the dog food you are feeding. Some of the more premium diets do offer a good amount of omegas to help with this. Others supplement with salmon/fish oil. Good regular grooming also helps with the flakey skin and to help distribute the coats natural oils.
I think the flaking is probably a lack of rinsing well, because it was a one-time thing. Changing food is not an option for us - Oliver has been an extremely picky eater and I used to have to sit with him for an hour on the floor until he finished. I finally found a food he likes and I am scared to even try to deviate anymore. : )
I think Theo must have oily skin. I bath him ever 2-3 weeks because he gets so stinky and dirty. But he's never gotten dry skin from it. I use a really gentle oatmeal shampoo, so that probably helps too. I also supplement his diet with flaxseed oil (and other oils), to keep his coat and skin healthy.
I try to give a bath to the corgi once a month. But since it's been a long, cold winter, it's been about 4 months since my dog got a bath.. He's starting to get that nice ripe dog smell. Yuck!
Thank goodness for spring though. I get to spray him down in the yard and give him a nice cleansing bath.
I try to give my corgi a bath once a week or every other week. When hes over at my boyfriends house he gets really dirty because hes outside so much. If he goes to the dog park he ges a bath immediately when he gets home (dont want to bring home buggies!). I really like giving him a bath and blow drying him out backwards to the way his hair grows. It help shedding sooo much! I use an oatmeal puppy shampoo or a peppermint shampoo. He enjoys the water!
I guess corgis shed their coats twice a year--spring and fall...it must be true because mine are shedding like mad. So, temporarily I am bathing them every week and making sure to rinse super thoroughly so no shampoo is left to dry the skin. After this spring shed is over, it will be once every 3-4 weeks.


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