My 5 year old corgi had to get his right leg removed this summer when a horse accidentally stepped on it, he is recovering great, but even before the accident we noticed that his left front shoulder used to get sore after a lot of running. So now with only one back leg he is putting more weight on his front, and seem to get sore quicker. I understand it will take a long time for him to get his strength back to what it used to be, but since he is not as active as before he has put on a little weight....... He is eating 1 cup a day (half at morning half at night). he is about 34 pounds and I want to get him down to 30. That is what the vet recommends .( he is big with a big frame)  I was hoping someone can get me some suggestions on a diet food that seem to suite your corgi's, Rusty is a very picky eater and do not like all things...(.He's been on Trader Joe's brand dry food)
I also give him glucosamine chondroitin for the joints and his shoulder problems, any thing else you guys recommend?
Thankful for any suggestions!

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Weight control is so very important!!! For a healthy corgi as well as one that has a challenge like yours. A little while ago I posted this blog and perhaps you'll find some information that will be helpful to you.

Right off the bat..... I'll tell you that you need to cut back to 1/2 cup of food a day. 1/4 cup in the am and 1/4 in the pm. I presently use Wellness Core Reduced Fat. It's a little more expensive than some of the others but you're feeding less so the cost equation will work out. Supplement with green beans. This fills them up, without adding fat or calories. I can keep going but I would be repeating much of the information you'll find in reading my blog referenced above.

Good luck with Rusty. I hope that you have success!! I have a friend whose dog lost a leg and he learned to adapt and lived a long life to 16 years old!! So don't give up!! Give him the best you can!!
I recently posted about Victoria Stillwell stating that "the reason your dog is fat is because you are feeding him too much". Unfortunately the way to lose weight especially if exercise is limited is to cut back on the food. You can include green beans, squash etc to help give him bulk with out the calories. I feed mine 1/3 cup kibble twice a day with added green beans and they get a lot of exercise. Their weights are very good.
Quincy also gets a sore left shoulder he peg legs around that is how he did too much. I have gotten his weight down by only feeding him 1/3 of a cup of Blue Buffalo Wilderness (it is low carb) twice a day. I mix in a little cottage cheese with the kibble and his joint medicine. Quincy has a broad chest and is very muscular his vet wants him to be around 32 pounds. He needs to lose a pound and he will be at his goal. It isn't easy, but he started out at 36lbs, so he has come a long way. Another thing that has helped is Quincy goes to the vet every 10 - 12 weeks to get his back adjusted and acupuncture that with his weight loss has made a big difference! I know Corgi's tend to have back issues so I figure if I am proactive in keeping his weight in check and his back in shape he will benefit as he gets older. As far as treats I try to make them as low carb as possible, like dried chicken strips, Venison jerky.... Hope this helps : )
Thanks, I really appreciate your suggestions! Is Blue Buffalo Wilderness available at the Pet Stores? I will look for it. No matter how I disguise the joint medicine for Rusty he ends up spitting it out, so most of the time I just have to force it which I hate doing..
Quincy is too cute!
Thanks, Malin
Hi Malin,
I usually get the Wilderness at Petsmart. Here is a link where you can put your zip code in and it will tell you all the stores in your area the sell Blue Buffalo.
Quincy is not a good pill taker and also finds everything no matter how I disguise it, so I get his medicine in liquid form or get capsules where I can open them and mix it with the cottage cheese. Once he had to take medicine that didn't come in pill form so I bought Gerber graduates toddlers pasta pick ups (mini ravioli) I gave him 1 ravioli with nothing in it and the next one I tucked the pill in. He loves the ravioli so much he just inhales the second one and never caught on even after 10 days. Let me know how you make out.
Michelle : )
Perfect, I was looking in to the wilderness SALMON , I think I will try that first because you get a little more omega 3. I have never given him cottage cheese before, but that sounds like a good tip for the medicine!
If Rusty doesn't like the cottage cheese you can also try baby food. Quincy likes that too. Let me know how you make out : )


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