Hi Jane,
I had no problem getting pay pal to work. I hope your 2nd try worked!
xoxo W
Come on! We just need 582 more contributors! (At $25 a piece.) It's not just a donation, you're getting a calendar! And not just a calendar but one that's FULL of the cutest most amazing dogs known to man!
...I'm a lousy cheerleader. :( I shall be silent now and let others that are better at it take up the mantle. :)
You're a great cheerleader...let's just keep bringing this up for people to see:)
Thanks, Jane. I'm going to go comment on your blog post now. :D
You're perfect.
I don't understand, why isn't hardly anyone chipping in?
I know how giving corgi people are!
Come on people, not only do you get a GREAT 365 day calendar, but you are helping a wonderful cause with profits going to corgi rescues!
We're in!
Whoa, look what happens when I don't check the site for a couple days!!! Going to go chip in now!
yay!!! let as many others know about it too. Come on we can do this!!!!
Maybe if we all send this to our friends on MyCorgi...more will see it also????
for sure the more messages sent out the better!! I have been sending messages on fb as well as sharing the link on my fb page!
I also just sent the message to the corgi caught in crime club and the Halloween Corgis, Minnesota Group, Texas Group and The Future Corgi Owner Group. I sent a message to those groups because they seem to have recent activity. I think that is the fastest and easiest way to reach alot of members at once.
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