Just got Ricky-Rafa home after having TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement) surgery yesterday to repair a torn ACL. I've owned Corgis for 40 yrs and this is a first for me. Seems ACL injuries are becoming common in Corgis. Not sure if it's because of the increased popularity and hence number of Corgis, or if it's being diagnosed more.

Back in the day we worried about our Corgis backs. One of my first Corgis, Rookie, needed a thoracic laminectomy. Don't know if it's just coincidence, but both Rookie and Ricky-Rafa were a bit higher in the leg than my other Corgis.

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Thanks. I agree. We do what we have to do. But without insurance, a lot of people can't afford the surgical costs. I love my vet. He was our first friend when we moved to CA and has taken care all of our Corgis. Initially he didn't want to do x-rays because it involved general anesthesia & he thought R/R was improving. But, there's a short acting anesthesia (30 minutes) that can be done w/o the risk of a general. ACL injuries can give the appearance of improving, but I do believe that an ACL tear will not heal on its own. There are many different ideas about this. Another good friend is an orthopedic surgeon (the 2-legged kind) and he examined R/R and advised us not to do surgery. He felt that too many dogs are given surgery that would heal on their own. But, he also thought that R/R was doing fine walking/running on 3 legs. Corgis can tolerate a lot of pain. We misunderstood R/R's improvement. An x-ray may tell you if it's an ACL. I wish we had it done sooner. But oh well, coulda shoulda. Of course, rear leg limping can be caused by numerous things, other than ACL tears, that don't require surgery.

Orion tore his right cruciate back in April and had it repaired with the extracapsulary method. Last night at the dog park he tore the left one. I knew what it was but I took him in for radiographs today anyways and to be sure there was a positive drawer sign. Just like the other one, it seems the meniscus is torn as well. I have an orthopedic consult soon but today the vet mentioned that the fact that he is rather tall for a corgi may have played a role in it. I had him neutered very young which I think resulted in his legs being quite long. I've kept him at a great weight (about 26 pounds) his entire life and hoped that would avoid any issues, especially any back issues. Even at the dog park, about 20 minutes before he tore his ACL, somebody told me he was in the best shape he's ever seen a corgi in, so I think it may have to do a bit with conformation

Poor Orion, give him a hug from us.

My orthopedic vet told us when we had surgery done on both legs of our corgi (TTA as well) that most likely has to do with weight and short legs and the angle of the knee.Our corgi was 8 years at the time and on the heavier side.The TTA surgery changes the angle of the knee so the knee isn't under so much stress.He said once one knee goes out you have a 50/50 chance that the other knee will go in 6 months and that is what happened.First one then the other.He said without surgery the dog will develop arthritis and not be able to use the leg.It is a lengthy process in the recovery but afterwards we thought our corgi moved so much better and seemed happier. Just remember to keep the leash walking for a couple of months so not to undo the healing process.I know the dog will want to run but you have to be patient.



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