I know there are several threads on here regarding ACL injuries and surgery but I have not seen a lot of discussion on the TYPES of surgery. Brody (4 years old) tore his ACL on Friday and had x-rays today. Our vet called and confirmed that he did tear his ACL (I'm going to pick him up and look at the x-rays in a few hours). I've done some research and feel like traditional (extracapsular) surgery would be best for a corgi. I've read that TPLO is typically best for larger breeds and that the metal can cause complications down the road. Does anyone have any experience with this? Opinions? Success stories? 

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Hi Jen - Ein had the fishing line surgery almost 2 years ago, and it went great! No problem on her other leg and she doesn't limp. Tplo didn't seem an option given the weight restrictions - my vet said it worked best for the over 50 pounders so that took my corgi out of consideration! Heh. Plus while looking for a low impact activity we got started on nosework which is a lot of fun. Let me know if you have questions.

I think we are leaning towards the fishing line surgery as well. We will definitely have to try nosework! We've been trying to think of activities for him, THANK YOU!!

My parents had the fishing line surgery with their 70 pound Chesapeake Bay Retriever nearly 10 years ago, and she returned to working soundness.  She'd have the occasional limp and did develop some arthritis in her knee, but she was well enough to hunt and hike and swim for years.  Old age is finally bringing her down, not the surgery.   The only thing with the fishing line is you need to follow post-op care to the letter, as far as gradually adding activity.

Our vet called this morning and after the ortho-surgeon looked over the x-rays he recommended TPLO because of Brody's age (4yo) and "because he is a corgi". I would love to think he has our best interest but I can't help but feel like TPLO is his bread and butter... Our vet has not pushed anything on us and even mentioned that we do not have to use that surgeon (although he is who they use) and gave me a few recommendations.

I will say, I can already tell this is going to be hard for Brody to keep still. We have been carrying him in and out to go potty and keep him on a short lead and restrict his activity inside. However, yesterday he jumped up on the couch and turned around with the biggest smile on his face, lol. He is still trying to be alpha to Buddy as well. 

I'm having a hard time making this decision. I just want what is best for him. Right now I'm not really concerned with cost, I just want him to have the best treatment. Something in my gut is telling me that TPLO is not necessary....

I'd lean towards the less invasive surgery myself.

I'm thinking so as well, thank you!

Oh dear. Always get a second opinion, even if you feel confident in a given doctor's or veterinarian's or dentist's skills and motives. Not that we don't love our docs...but the extra advice helps a lot in making any decision where invasive procedures are concerned.

Extracapsular ("fishline")

"Tightrope" ("new! improved!" fishline)

TPLO  Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy [this actually seems more radically invasive the the newer TTA]

TTA  Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (they nearly slice off the knob of the tibia, move it forward, and plate it)

MMP  Modified Maquet Procedure (the latest upgrade of TTA -- instead of a plate, they insert a wedge of sponge titanium)

I did homework on this 3 years ago, when I feared Al was lamed for life.  He never was examined by an orthopedic specialist or diagnosed with a CCL rupture.  We opted for conservative treatment (basically, nothing).  He ended up limping badly after too ambitious a backpacking trip ~9 months later, but he seems OK now.  Hiking, soccer, tennis ball.

One consistent comment seemed to be:  shop for a good surgeon, not a particular technique, and go with what they're comfortable with.  I came within a whisker of taking Al to a guy here who teaches the MMP.  I wonder what he would have said if he'd had a chance to examine Al, who, I think, did not show the "drawer sign" instability of a full CCL rupture.

I feel so grateful for my little guy's recovery.  We're going hiking again this Saturday.

John, that's wonderful! Glad he has recovered! Brody will not put any weight on his leg and our vet did the drawer test which indicated that he had ruptured his ACL, we proceeded with X-rays that showed fluid so all signs are there. I haven't really thought about shopping for the surgeon, great point! 

I am not familiar with MMP. If it's a sponge, I would image that the bone would grow through it? I suppose I need to do some research on that... 

Thank you! 

Had a Corgi who had fish line type surgery on both hind legs and he did great.  No problems after initial recovery period.

UPDATE: Brody had surgery on Tuesday (November 3rd) we went with the less invasive, traditional/extracapsular surgery. We are picking him up today from the vet! We also decided to supplement his recovery with laser therapy and I think we'll try hydrotherapy when he's ready to do so.

Thank you for the update!   Let us know how his recovery goes.

We did laser surgery on Maddie's hips and spine and for a blessed few weeks it made her able to walk again.  She has arthritis and DM and it doesn't help the DM but it did help the arthritis.    It also made the fur grow back quick on some mostly healed sores she had on her toes.   We are believers.


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