Ok, this post has nothing to do with corgis, but I figure my fellow dog lovers could help me. 

Recently I have been fostering male corgis, but recently I was asked to foster a male Alaskan malamute. 
The owner is willing to surrender willingly, but is consider about altering. I guess the story is the dog has an uncle that has been in a few movies. The uncles name is Flapjack and he played a dog named Buck in the movie 8 Below, and played in a couple other movies. 
The owners signed a no alter/ studding contract at some point but is no longer in contact with the breeder (I'm not sure why).
I personally have no interest or knowledge in breeding rules/laws and usually alter within 2 weeks of fostering a dog.
Is there any way I would get in trouble for altering this male after surrender?
Anything I need to watch out for with an unaltered male that has studded in the past?
Any suggestions, helpful hints, or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks corgi friends!  

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I would see if there is a clause in their contract about surrendering only to the breeder.  Often times if there is a no alter or studding contract, then there is also something to state that the dog is to return to the breeder in case the new owner can no longer keep him/her. 


If they need to have you take the dog as soon as possible, I would request the name of the breeder and any previous contact numbers or email addresses.  I don't think you could get into trouble for neutering him, but it's possible the owner surrendering could be sued.  I am no expert, though, so take this more as a suggestion rather than solid advice.

Before agreeing to take a Malamute in do lots of research on the breed. They can be a VERY difficult dog, very independent and very prey driven. I have never met a husky or malamute that didn't try to eat Franklin.....I'm being honest here. Even the really well behaved ones see Franklin and seem to think he is a bunny and it isn't until AFTER then have pounced and pinned him that they realize he is in fact a dog.

Also these breeds have corgi energy....times about 1000. Be prepared for HOURS of run time. A walk is not enough, they need to run. Whether it be offleash at a dog park or beside a jogger or a bicycle.

I personally would NEVER agree to an unaltered male of one of these breeds. This is more due to the fact that even the altered dogs escape and roam like crazy so I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to keep an unaltered dog in your yard. Each state is different in regards to laws about surrendering an animal and when you gain full ownership and the original owner no longer has any rights to the dog.....look into your state/county laws. Also, if they signed a breeding contract, there may be a clause that the dog needs to go back to the original breeder if its ever re-homed, something to ask about. You aren't legally required to follow a contract somebody else signed, but here in California there is a 2 week grace period. If you sign your dog over to somebody you have 2 weeks to change your mind. After that, too bad. So maybe wait 2 weeks and 1 day :-P Your state may be different in this regard.

Things to watch out for in an unaltered male: marking behavior (he will mark everything, likely both in and out of the house), dominance behavior (especially if there are both males and females in your house), mounting behavior (he may try to mount EVERYTHING, including you....this kind of goes back to dominance behavior as well). Ask to meet the dog first, see how he is with your current corgis. Make sure he has been around smaller dogs in the past. You don't want a good deed to turn into a bad situation with him trying to attack or dominate your current animals.

Hi LaRissa, contact the breeder and get the final word straight from the source. Good responsible breeders take back their dogs regardless of age.


Yes you can get in trouble depending on your local law.


Besides discouraging leg lifting, it's the same as an altered male, testicles are not evil.


A malamute is huge and powerful at 75-90lbs, they require TONS of exercise, skijoring / cross-country ski would be perfect. I have a friend who's in the Canadian Olympic Cycling team, he and his malamute cycle / run for miles daily. My dog trainer also has one, incredible majestic dog.


Don't take the malamute if you can't meet his hardcore daily exercise needs, you need to be very good with your existing pack to be comfortable to take on a malamute.I would enlist someone to walk the corgis with you so that you can walk the malamute, don't be afraid to let him wear a backpack with several water bottles to slow him down, you can also let him pull you while rollerblading. If you think corgis shed a lot, you're gonna love the malamute. Don't fight it, just wear the fur with pride :)


Here's an old thread on introduction.

Ok... tried to reply via iPhone and it just would not upload.... grr.

Thanks everyone for the advice!
Sam- as the only male to comment I find it funny that you reminded us that "testicles are not evil", my husband enjoyed that comment as well!
I took everyones advice and looked through the paperwork for the breeder. Sadly after calling a few places searching for her I found out that she passed away 2 years ago during a traffic accident. The 2 kids split of sold off the remaining dogs while they were settling the estate and have no interest in dealing with another dog. They were sad that the bloodline might die out (i guess the other dogs don't have the same colors or patterns or somthing), but agreed that they would have no problem with me altering if need be.
I am still going to wait the recommended 2 weeks just in case anyone changes their minds.
My two corgi girls have been around "balto" before (I hate the name, balto was a siberian husky and was colored completely differently... i'm picky!) with no prey drive issues. He was raised with several cats so that probably has something to do with it. I will be watching a close eye on him as they start developing a more pack like nature over the next 21 days, just in case. Even thought he has never had a marking issue at home I  belly band/diaper new fosters for 24-48 hours just in case of marking. dogs can be tricking and fast, but belly bands and diapers don't lie (and they save you from a ton of clean up!).

As to exercise: I jog between 2-4 miles every morning currently (I am training for a triathlon...), and then walk another 2 miles during the evening. Will this be enough for a malamute, or should I do some rollerblading in the afternoon as well? Both my husband and I work from home so time is not an issue, just motivation. I could probably take him to the lake with me when I train for the swimming part as well and get a long parachute cord to leash him with. It may be Michigan but it is hot during the summer and I don't want to overheat this poor fellow with too much during the middle of the day. I will be going to the petstore today to get a doggie backpack that he can carry water and frozen bottles.

thanks again everyone!
Good luck with the foster. We had a neighbor with a Malamute and he was a big lazy lug in the summer. So I guess I just want to add that you will want to evaluate him as an indiviual since there can be a lot of variance in breed personality. LaRissa, you are pretty experienced so you should be able to determine his personality pretty well. Our doberman can be intimidated by a totally declawed cat or a barking Yorkie so ya just never know...


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