So as most of you know I entered Franklin in a model contest, and have been harassing everyone for votes for the past few weeks, well IT ALL PAID OFF!

FRANKLIN WON!!!! Out of 247 he got 1st place and gets to model a PLAY pet bed in online and magazine ads!!! Look for him in upcoming issues of LIFE+DOG magazines and on PLAY website modeling one of their fancy beds! He also gets a bed  and a photoshoot! We are so excited! Thank you so much to everyone who voted! We couldn't have done it without support from the corgis!



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Wooohoooo!  Yay Franklin!


Congrats!!!!!    Sorry I couldn't vote, so I'm glad my aversion to facebook didn't hurt him :)
Congrats Franklin!!
Thats great!!!! so happy for Franklin, He's so cute im not surprised he won..
Way to go Melissa!
Way to go Franklin!
Very good news!!  I voted for him on the two links as instructed so he is on my FB page, but didn't know he won.  Duh!!  The last I looked the collie was ahead.  I'm soooooo glad!!!!  Go Franklin!!!!
The collie did win based on votes, but the grand prize winner was chosen from the dogs that had the top 5 votes. So Franklin came in 2nd based on votes but was picked as the overall winner by the judges! So exciting.


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