You can skim some of this, but you absolutely must read the last one.

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HAHAHAHAHA!! Thanks John!

True so true, #33 always knows you the best.

There needs to be a corgi disapproval sight!

There is a corgi on facebook that has a looks of disaproval album (with captions) and I love it.

Thats another reason we so love our corgis!!!!

Haha I showed the same link to one of my friends last night, and after reading it the second time through with the captions, he said "And now I understand why you want a corgi. Hahahaha."

I just love this!!!! I don't think anyone can look at a Corgi and not smile. :-) 

"One reason a dog can be such a comfort when you're feeling blue is that he doesn't try to find out why." -Unknown Author

That is great!

Corgi Smiles are the best!

So cute! 

Hey you! Don't worry, be happy!

Haha I love #33!

Thanks, John. This explains a lot. :)


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