My name is Alexis Almaraz and Kalvin is looking for a new love of his life!!!! Just last year he lost his companion and is on the hunt for love again!!! So if anyone knows of some girl Corgis for sale let me know ASAP!!! Oh and the age does not matter Kalvin likes cougars! =D Ha.

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Check out John's blog! He just posted a 1 year old in CA...I believe! Good luck Kalvin...we know how hard it is to be lonesome!
Alexis. My breeder has a 1 yr old female that she is trying to find a home for. The previous owners did not have the time to work with her on a small issue she has. SHe has some food aggression right now. When she was worked with she rehabilitated very quick, howevever, the previous owners do not have time to continue to work with her and are asking my breeder to help find her a home. Other than her food aggression she is a great dog, she loves people and will follow you around, she knows all the basic commands.. sit, stay, lay, roll over, shake etc. She is a red female and is free to a good home. My breeder breeds champion blue ribbon bloodlines and normally her dogs sell for several hundred dollars, but we are just trying to find a good home for her where someone can work with her on this problem... like I said when she was worked with she began to rehabilitate quick, however needs more work and lots of love. I have a picture of her if you would like to see. I would take her on myself, however, I have 2 corgis already and with my living arrangement I can not take on another dog :( My breeders website is on my page and I can provide bloodline information and anything else you might need. She is free since this is a rehoming for a great dog. I am sorry for the loss of your companion, I know how hard that can be. I am in Valencia and my breeder is in Bakersfield. I dont know which is closer to you, but if I am, I would be happy to help you get her and meet you. Again, she is a great dog that just has the one issue that should be easy to get over with lots of love and some work.
Patients and love is key to our family!!! I would be more than thankful to receive some more info on her!!!! Kalvin would love a champion beauty!!! =D Kalvin and I live in the Riverside area next to a golf course my home is more than enough room for her!!! Well once again WRITE ME MORE INFO!!! Lol. She would be more than a blessing to our home!
Good Luck! Keep us updated!
This was posted the other day: She's a cutie & in Redding, CA :)
There's this poor girl on Petfinder:
She's in Lomita, CA and has had a hard time, being passed from home to home. Sounds like it will take some work to train her but she deserves a break.
Here's what I found on Craig's List as well:
Here's one at a local rescue. She's a cutie:

These are for sale by breeder:

Keeles' Corgis-8 mon old red female

12 week old tri female
My breeder is in Fresno and it looks like she should have a litter coming available pretty soon. Here's her website. She produces great quality pups at a fair price. I am really happy with my guy that was born in October.
Here's my article on evaluating breeder websites:

I would also add this: A lot of careless breeders are coming to realize that buyers want "performance" credentials, so they are adding herding photos or pictures of dogs doing agility or whatever. Be very careful to evaluate whether those are actually THEIR accomplishments (which means they have the expertise to evaluate and train a performance puppy) or if puppy buyers sent them pictures and the breeders actually had nothing to do with that accomplishment.

Be very aware of the context and the experience of the photos as well. A herding instinct test is fantastic. It doesn't mean that the breeder actually HERDS with his or her dogs, and often means absolutely squat about whether you are going to get a herdy puppy. A picture of a dog stacked on a grooming table does not mean that the breeder actively shows. A dog pictured jumping over something doesn't mean the breeder actively trials in agility. A dog pictured winning a blue ribbon could have been the only dog in the class and won by default; you want pictures of dogs with PURPLE ribbons, and clear evidence that the dogs are steadily and successfully shown.

Dogs are very much a buyer-beware purchase, and are becoming more and more so as bad breeders learn to appropriate some of the phrases that good breeders have always used. It's up to you to learn the right terminology so the bad stuff jumps out at you.


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