i have heard alot of people adding green beans to there dogs food so they feel fuller and dont have to feed them that much food. both dogs are on wellnessso it can get expensive and even after teddy eats a cup in the morn(he is a very fit corgi, u can see every muscle) he acts like he still hungry and i know thats to be expected with the corgi breed but i figure a cup of food and alittle bit of green beans might help. so my question is, is it ok to keep giving them green beans in there food everyday from now on or is it just a temporary thing?

when i gave it to him before he liked it but had green poop(solid) but it alarmed my hubby lol

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I do see the veggies is Katies poop too, its funny little bits of carrots, and red pepps, good fiber!
I make veggie shakes couple of times a week for myself so I get enough veggies in my diet. and the leftover cuttings Katie always gets, and she likes cheerios, I take them to work as a snack. Every day I pack them up and Katie is waiting for hers!
I really dont buy commercial treats for Katie anymore, I do make a batch of Katies cookies and she gets one in the morning and one at night. You should see her when I am baking a batch, she is sitting or laying by the oven and wont leave the kitchen, she doesnt want to miss any accidental droppings! so funny.
aw thats so cute lol corgis love food even if its a crumb :P lol i never thought if cheerios, i bet teddy would love them as a treat too. thats so neat that u bake her little treats:)
Noodles gets green beans with a 1/4 cup dry food every night for dinner. He prefers frozen green beans that are zapped in the microwave over canned green beans (no salt added kind). He also likes frozen peas both frozen and zapped in the microwave. He likes baby carrots as well, but I can't give him too many of them or else he has runny poop (gross). I also have to cut up the baby carrots or else he plays with them...he flips them in the air and then pounces on them. He isn't a huge broccoli fan, but he decided he liked it last week and ate a few pieces. Noodles has been eating green beans for over a year now and absolutely loves them! He was put on eating green beans because he needed to lose weight and it has worked.
thats cute that he plays with his food lol its funny that some people and dogs just dont like broccoli. i tried giving him some at 1st he was like what is this?! and then he ate like it was the best thing in the world lol
I give mine green beans (frozen are cheaper and seem to have less sodium), peas, blueberries w/low fat cottage cheese (though when i feed that they get very few kibble, less than 1/4 c), carrots, raw bones w/meat on and they are getting more exercise now too haven't had any adverse reactions. Dogs are scavengers to an extent, no harm in giving them healthy, real food to eat. just make sure ya aren't over feeding :)
o yea i know what u mean:) i watch carfully what he gets but i do like to give him an extra treat if hes been super good lol but now with all the veggies and fruit i can give him i wont mind giving him extra. he likes to work for his food so i bet he will do random tricks lol
my Katie begs for those mini carrots!, (actually she will bed for any treat) she really doesnt know the difference. I also make her homemade "Katies cookies" so she get plenty of fibre, and flaxseed thrown in, with no preservatives. I also put a small bag for everyone I know at Christmas with a dog, and people cant wait for those little bags at Christmastime. Everybody says their dogs love them, Katie loves them so much she wont leave the kitchen when I am making a batch.
How about posting the recipe for the cookies? I bake treats at Christmas for the grand-dogs and Rocky and Rosie. They all love the homemade treats so a new recipe would be great!!
I would love to see the recipe in order to bake those for both Noodles and his cousin, Dexter. Yummy!
Pat... have you posted the recipe for Katie's cookies?? If so could you link me to it? And if not.... would you post it here? Thanks!!
I know plenty of people give green beans every day with no ill effects, but I like to switch things up with mine. I'll add green beans (cooked in winter, frozen in summer), plain canned pumpkin, plain low-fat yogurt, or a small amount of cottage cheese. All of those things have fewer calories than kibble, so what I do is take out a tablespoon of kibble and replace it with two or three tablespoons of the addition. The exception is that for the green beans, since the calories are SO low, I don't reduce the kibble amount.
Oh, and a scrambled egg only has about 70 calories: I divide one between my two dogs once a week or so, and at 35 calories it takes up a lot of space (but disappears instantly).


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