Hey guys, I just got a new baby, a 3 year old Pembroke named Toby. We got him about 3 weeks ago and he is fully crate trained by the previous owner.  We keep him in our apartment in the living room, which is separate from both bedrooms. The first week, we played with him, took him on a walk, etc. then put him in the crate for the night. He never made any noise in the crate at night. A week ago, we took him with us to Kansas to visit my family for Christmas (a 5 hour drive) and we put the crate downstairs in the downstairs living room during the day while we were out (they have another dog so we wanted to keep them separate while they were crated) and he did fine. The thing is, that week, I slept in the living room with him, again, he never barked. Got him back to Oklahoma with us and the first night back, he starts barking about 10 minutes after I go to bed. I lied in bed for about 30 minutes and he just kept barking. He had been taken out right before bed so he shouldn't have needed to go outside, so I got online on my phone in bed and they suggested bringing him in the room with me. So i took him and the kennel and moved it in my bedroom next to my bed and sure enough, not a peep all night.  So last night before bed I took him on a run and when we got home I sat on the couch and surfed the net while he lied there, pretty pooped out. So I thought maybe he'd actually sleep. Sure enough, I put him in his crate and 10 minutes later, he's barking. Moved him into my room again, and not a peep all night. So at this point, i'm afraid i've accidentally trained him to bark when he's not with me in the room. I don't mind having him in my room but it makes it hard for my roommate to get to him during the day when i'm gone and also my room is kinda small so the crate takes up some room. What would be the best way to untrain this behavior so he sleeps soundly out in the living room when there's no one out there? I love this dog, I really do, but i'm afraid the barking is gonna wake the neighbors and it also just makes me feel horrible hearing him barking away in there. Thoughts?

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I also have a 3 yr old corgi. She was never crate trained (although I now know more than I did, I probably would if I got another dog) and I have never had a problem with her at night. She has never gotten into anything. Usually she sleeps on the floornext to wherever I happen to be. If she gets shut out of a room, she will lay at the door with her nose at the crack. Personally, I would reccomend leaving him free at night, and training on barking on command which also teaches to stop barking. So when there comes a time when you shut him out of your room, you have a way to keep him quiet. I am so glad he has you now, it sounds like you really care for him and that you are a good pet owner.

I agree I would try him loose in the living room.

Whether or not a dog sleeps in your bedroom is of course personal choice, but as you mention, it's critical that if they do come in, they are there because you invite them, not because they refuse to sleep by themselves.


I can think of a half-dozen situations off the top of my head where even the most devoted owner would not want the dog in the bedroom (late stage pregnancy, recovering from broken leg, just had surgery, dog rolled in something at 11PM and is still wet from a bath, dog needs to be crate-bound for recovery of his own illness and crate does not fit in room, someone has a migraine.... the list goes on). 


Even dogs who will be sleeping in the room should be comfortable being locked out of the room.

I had a cat (who I dearly loved) who would NOT tolerate a closed door, and I did come to regret it when she was old and would get confused at night and start yowling; try going to work after being awakened 2 to 3 times a night for a week straight because kitty keeps jumping down and can't get up on her own, and won't stay outside a closed door.....


I might try leaving the door to my room open at night so he can come in and out, and just close the door to my roommates room and the bathroom and see what he does. If he eventually gets comfortable sleeping on the couch or something, then that will work. I don't see it being a problem but my parents have a Puggle back home and they could NEVER let him out unattended because he'd tear stuff up, but Toby seems to have no interest in chewing things up, as he has three toys that he never plays with so I don't think it'll be an issue. Thanks everyone for all your suggestions and help!

Could you possibly gate him in a kitchen with a comfy blanket or doggie bed.  You could also put his crate in the kitchen, so if he wanted to sleep in his crate he could, but yet have some freedom til you felt confident he would be okay completely out. Just another thought.  If there ins't room in the kitchen for the crate, Im sure a comfy doggie bed or blanket would be just fine too.

I saw Tucker playing with the ball that was funny. I could watch that all day. Post that for everyone to see. On the forum instead of the chat.

Oh please do! I would love to see it also


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