Today I took Wynstan around the block for a walk for the first time (we normally go to the park.) He started barking, there were no dogs around. My only guess is that he barks at fire hydrants.

I confirmed it during our second walk of the day, this time he just growled at the first one, but he went absolutely crazy at the next one.

He also barks at inflated basketballs, rose bushes, the box of gun cleaning supplies, and several other items.

Just wonder if anyone else has a puppy that does the same thing?

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It's a puppy thing. Jack used to bark at flower pots, a cookie tray, the coffee pot.... basically anything that was strange or in a place where it didn't belong.

Don't make a big deal of it and give him the time and space to approach (and sometimes run away from, only to approach again....) strange items on his own.
Potus occasionally still does it- piles of mulch, plastic bags, garden ornaments, cars and just last week a lady with a limp (embarrasing). As Beth said, its typically when they come across something that seems out place. As I explain it- they have no idea that that perfectly harmless garden gnome is perfectly harmless- so they're being cautious.
Oh yeah, when Sidney was younger he would bark at the strangest things. Garbage cans (especially the ones knocked over), bikes, basketballs, all sorts of weird things. I'm happy to report he outgrew it :)


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