I'm having a "booty" issue with Baxter. It looks like his anus is somewhat swollen and red. When he poops (most of which is normal, other times soft but not runny) and I clean his bottom off, there is some blood. He was having a poopy-pants sort of day on Sunday and at first I thought I might had wiped too hard/too many times. The blood isn't dripping, and I've heard that anal bleeding just happens in dogs some times, but this is my first experience with it. I called the vet and they suggested cutting back his food and giving him some Pepto-bismol and that stopped the softer poops, but now they seem to be more solid and on the harder side. I'm thinking about giving him some pumpkin tonight and monitoring the issue a couple more days. He doesn't appear to be staining when he's pooping. He's drinking plenty of water and his activity level is very good. His doesn't appear to be in any pain and only seems mildly annoyed when I'm cleaning his bottom. The skin around the top of the anus is also red.
I took Baxter to the vet awhile ago for diarrhea and I'm pretty sure I overreacted. I don't mind being safe, it's not the cost as much as I don't want to be such a worrier when it may really be nothing.
Has anyone had any experience with this?