Neeka got into some cat food at my dads house. Last night she woke me up whining 3-4 times and I took her outside she had diareah with blood with it. She is not lethargic, and is playing/drinking eating.

ShouldI take her in to the vet just incase? (I feed her raw)

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A little blood is often just a sign of inflamed intestines.  Copious amounts could be something worse.


If it's only some streaks of blood, I would wait to see if it resolves on its own within a reasonable amount of time.   I would fast Neeka for twelve hours, then introduce a small amount of very bland food.  



this has happened many times with mine i have given her imodeum per the vets advice but this last time i gave her sweet potato about a quarter to a half of a cooked one and it cleared up right away
What's in cat food that could cause this?
Typically catfood has higher protein and fat levels than most dogs are used to.


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