I would just like to vent a little and maybe get some advice. I have been searching for a boarding facility for Midas to stay at while we go apt hunting in Louisville. We were actually searching for one in Louisville just so we can not have to leave earlier than planned the last day. Believe it or not, this will be Midas's first time being boarded. Call me a snob or whatever you want but I just don't want some run of the mill, badly staffed, in it for the money not for the love of animals kennel. I want a doggy spa. I don't care if it costs some money, it's my family, my furkid, ya know? I want a place that has nice rooms for the dogs, that allows them an indoor outdoor area during the entire day. A place that will take him out in the morning and later in the evening. A place that has clean "comfortable" sleeping arrangements. I want him to come back to me not covered in poo or pee. When we went to Chicago for the Corgi meetup about a yr ago it was amazing! It had a tv in every room for the dogs, they each had a large indoor outdoor area, a cot off the ground with clean bedding, it smelled decent in there, they tracked everything, they got to play with others, individual attention! The good life. Why can't there always be places like that? There should be. People would pay it once they saw the difference it would make in there family members stay. I know I am being dramatic but Midas is my baby! And he can be a little dramatic and sensitive himself. I don't want him coming back traumatized. Growing up we always left my Pomeranian at this one boarding facility and she would come back to us covered in poo and pee like they never let her out or cleaned the cage, and she had a "full run". And worse off, they would tell us she hadn't went poo the whole time while we were gone. Who's poo was on her and all the bedding and toys we brought for her?! So she always came home and immediately had the runs for the next day or two. I don't know, maybe you could just say those were bad experiences but I just don't even want to chance it. Any advice?