I would just like to vent a little and maybe get some advice. I have been searching for a boarding facility for Midas to stay at while we go apt hunting in Louisville. We were actually searching for one in Louisville just so we can not have to leave earlier than planned the last day. Believe it or not, this will be Midas's first time being boarded. Call me a snob or whatever you want but I just don't want some run of the mill, badly staffed, in it for the money not for the love of animals kennel. I want a doggy spa. I don't care if it costs some money, it's my family, my furkid, ya know? I want a place that has nice rooms for the dogs, that allows them an indoor outdoor area during the entire day. A place that will take him out in the morning and later in the evening. A place that has clean "comfortable" sleeping arrangements. I want him to come back to me not covered in poo or pee. When we went to Chicago for the Corgi meetup about a yr ago it was amazing! It had a tv in every room for the dogs, they each had a large indoor outdoor area, a cot off the ground with clean bedding, it smelled decent in there, they tracked everything, they got to play with others, individual attention! The good life. Why can't there always be places like that? There should be. People would pay it once they saw the difference it would make in there family members stay. I know I am being dramatic but Midas is my baby! And he can be a little dramatic and sensitive himself. I don't want him coming back traumatized. Growing up we always left my Pomeranian at this one boarding facility and she would come back to us covered in poo and pee like they never let her out or cleaned the cage, and she had a "full run". And worse off, they would tell us she hadn't went poo the whole time while we were gone. Who's poo was on her and all the bedding and toys we brought for her?! So she always came home and immediately had the runs for the next day or two. I don't know, maybe you could just say those were bad experiences but I just don't even want to chance it. Any advice?

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Hear, hear! If I was in your situation, I would keep calling and visit those that meet your requirement. Check the list on yelp and dogster.

Our favourite dog boarding place in FL was awesome, no cages, there was a private pool, pond and couple of acres, no smell, the dogs sleep on sofas in a regular room in a house, it was a familiar home environment, it was a private "mansion".
We leave our guys in one of those wonderful spa-type places. Trouble is, it costs as much as a medium-cheap hotel. So a 10 day vacation can cost $1000! And that is for a pretty basic package. You can have your dog stay in the bedroom with the overnight manager, and share her bed. Or spend his days in the office with the staff. Or any number of options. You come home wondering who had the best vacation, you or the dog.
I almost made the mistake once of judging a kennel on first look. I'd made a hasty reservation to board the dogs because I had to make a quick trip and there was no time to leave my Corgi pals anywhere else. We live in a small town and the other options were nil. When I drove up to the kennel it looked...well...pretty shabby and old. Places in the desert tend to look a bit more worn anyway for some reason and this place definitely did.

I'd have turned around to leave but I had a plane to catch. As it turned out, although the kennel was very basic, it was kept clean and orderly and most importantly, the lady who ran it was a complete "dog person." All the dogs got loved on, played with, turned out to play in groups if they were agreeable; it was like doggie summer camp there. The Corgis didn't care at all about the lack of amenities, they were safe, comfortable within reason, well fed, and they loved the kennel lady and she loved them. Often when I'd return the Corgis would be let out to greet me and they'd run up, say "hi" and then run off to play some more. Clearly they were happy and comfortable with their temporary home.

Unfortunately that kennel closed about a year ago when the property was sold and now I have no where to leave my dogs here in town but the cramped cages at the vet's office, something I refuse to do. I miss that shabby little kennel and the wonderful person who genuinely cared for the dogs and made them feel safe and happy.

I suggest, if you can, get a better sense of the people running the places rather than the amenities offered. The dogs will know if they are loved and respected, they won't notice the lack of a sauna or jacuzzi. :-)
I always do google searches for "dog day care" instead of "kennel" or "boarding." Then I'll weed through the daycares and find the one that offers overnight boarding.

I'm assuming you are looking in Louisville, KY? Here is a google search of what might be available there as far as daycare... then just see which one offers overnight. (I will say from experience though, be willing to pay for it.. I pay $35 per dog per night for the one I use here in my city, but I love it and would NEVER go anywhere else!).
I always have someone come in and stay at our house. Fortunately there is a large university by us and a lot of proffessors in our neighborhood. I frequently have a PHD student take care of all the animals. Also I have used some of the receptionists from our vet's office. My daughter lives in Texas and found a lady that was a vet tech with references that cares for dogs in her home. After a great home visit her dogs had a wonderful time there. Often these options are less expensive than a kennel. There are a lot of options if you research it.


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