So, I bought Waffle some antlers.  They're supposed to last for months, right? Not Waffle's!  He's eaten a fourth of his today alone.  I'm a little concerned because it isn't staying smooth like I thought it would.  It's a little jagged but not really sharp.  The pieces on the side are a little bendy and pliable.  I've rubbed them on my arm and they didn't hurt but did leave very light marks.  Should he keep chewing his antler?   He loves it so much.  I rubbed it on our brick fireplace to wear it down some and now he's digging at the spot I rubbed it on.  :[  I don't want t deprive him of his favorite thing but I will if I must.

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When we first gave antlers to our three dogs, 2-1/2 years ago, they were chewing on them constantly, almost non-stop. They would even get into little skirmishes (sp?) if one dog had an antler that the other thought was more appealing. At that time, to limit the amount of time they were chewing on them, we let them have them for only about an hour at a time.

Currently, we have about 20 antlers of various sizes and shapes, some in their toy box & others found in different areas of the house....the novelty wears off.

Jagged is okay as it will soften up as they chew on, I would definitely rub down on concrete outside so you don't have him digging at the brick fireplace. Hope this helps.....
Thanks, it does help. I took him outside to give him a break from the antler and he's let up on it some. It's good to know it's okay for him to chew still. :3
Just a side question. I've never seen antlers for sale in our pet stores here, but if I knew a deer hunter, would it be okay to get antlers from that source? Would they need to be heated/sterilized/cleaned so I don't get nauseous at the sight of blood (lol)?
You'd just have to wash them with soap and water and scrape the sharp parts off on the concrete or something. :3
Good morning! I purchase antlers off of eBay. I try to purchase antler sheds.....antlers that have been shed by the live animal naturally. I just don't like the idea of purchasing antlers that have come from an animal that has been shot & then the antlers cut off. That is just how I personally feel about it. If the antlers have been, shed there is not any blood. I would not wash the antlers with soap, heat them nor sterilize them. Soap residue may turn your dogs off of them. I'm not sure what heating would do to them, it may make them brittle. I would simply rinse them off if that makes you feel better about giving them to your dog.
Make sure they are not old antlers that have been bleached by the sun from long exposure. They are brittle and no longer have the marrow inside. And there should not be any blood really. If there is, just use a bit of soap and water. You shouldn't need to otherwise sterilize it. Good luck with someone finding some and giving them to you. I know a lot of hunters around here go out looking for shed and keep it. You might be able to buy it cheaper than the stores that route though. You might ask around to see if you know anyone who knows any decent areas and take a hike with your doggie to go find some? Good luck


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