Has anyone used Cefa Drops or any antibiotics involving a dropper? Freya needs it cause part of her incision is infected and I'm not sure how to give it to her without being terribly traumatic to her. Anyone has tips? What can I expect? When can I start the probiotic treatment?

I'm glad that I didn't use salt water to clean out her wound, apparently that was a bad idea and so was betadine.

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That is too bad! Droppers are tricky. Can you mix it into something yummy like a piece of bread with a little cheese on it? Otherwise you have to hold their head with the nose pointed up and open the mouth and squirt it in. We have medicated Sparty in just about every way possible. Is it any wonder he is anxious!
I've lucked out, she seems to take to the dropper very well! I didn't have bread at the time so I couldn't use your suggestion, Bevy Levy. But I will definitely keep it in mind!


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