Has anyone taken their dog to a chiropractor?  I made an appt for Foxy this Sat. with a vet that is also a chiropractor.  She has had a limp in her front leg and my regular vet can't find anything wrong.  I have also been putting essential oils on it and it seems to have gotten a little better.  They wanted to refer me to an orthopedic specialist and I don't think I'm going down that road since they don't even think anything is wrong at this point.  Just curious how your Corgi's reacted to getting adjusted and if it helped with their ailments.

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I considered it when we knew where Wynn's back "problem" was but the vet specifically showed me what to do and I was able to massage this area and help Wynn myself.

Hi Becky! Hope your appointment went well today!

My Corgi Tucker does agility and almost all of the agility Corgi people see chiropractors. My vet does chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, and laser therapy all in the same appointment, depending on what is sore. I definitely see an improvement after our visits. Not sure that it would help with such a pronounced injury like a limp (although laser therapy might), but its worth a shot! 

Thanks Jenny!!! It went well, she seemed to be a little sore the next day, but I was told that's normal. Much better today & we go back next week. If she doesn't feel there has been enough improvement she is going to try laser therapy. I was very pleased with the vet, very gentle & knowledgeable.


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