My 11-mo corgi Jet is entering her first full winter at our house (we brought her home end of last winter). Someone told me corgis like cold weather, but I'm wondering if 1)I should put warmer towels/blankets in her crate (we keep our house pretty chilly 63-65 degrees all winter long), and 2)if she should be wearing a coat when we go outside? I wish she could tell me if she cold hah! Thank you in advance for your thoughts - Wendy

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We live in north Iowa, 8 miles south of the MN border, and the dogs love the cold weather!! The only time I ever put a coat on one of them was after Rosie had her shoulder shaved to the skin for surgery. I decided that bare skin needed protection from the -0 degree temp and howling wind when I walked her to potty. I watch them when it is below zero and limit their time outside but have found them stretched out in the snow happy as a pair of clams. Check feet for snowballs and brush snow off their fur and you dog will be fine.

I mean I would really say you could if you want to, to both. It's not going to hurt to throw in a cozy blanket if your pup sleeps in a crate. I know mine enjoys snuggling in a fuzzy blanket most of the time. When I first got her, I was super against doggy attire. But my pup's fur wasn't fully grown in when winter hit so we caved and got her some little sweaters and a jacket. It definitely helped because she loved playing outside in the snow. Added bonus was that she was actually pretty cute in them and enjoyed wearing them. It's more about what makes your dog will feel most comfortable with. If her fur is grown in nice and fluffy or if she doesn't enjoy the snow and cold weather I wouldn't worry too much. But if she's a snow bunny or a little thin in fuzz still you might want to try a layer if she'll wear it. I think corgis can pull it off in the colder months, and are very cute.

I must have wimpy corgis...neither like the cold and don't care for playing in it at all.  Which is ok with me....I hate the cold and my days of playing in the snow are long gone.

Wally loves the cold, the snow, to roll in hit, lay down for a few sun rays and get all clumped up under the belly.   That last one is the sign to come in and melt it down in the bath tub with luke warm water.    But we've been going for walks anytime during the day during winter season.   Wally's limit is at -13F with a cold snap.   After his business we're going back inside but we've been in the local park in a blizzard, as the trees were blocking the heavy wind so it was beautiful, just be careful of falling branches though.

I'm not worried for Wally and the cold, he'll let me knwo when it's enough and he's never alone unattended.   The main thing that bothers him during winter is sidewalks and the loads of salt they put.   That goes in the paws and hurts him when he melts and freezes the snow in his cushions.    So when I know we'll see some of that sharp salt on the sidewalks we head for the trails or stick to the backyard.

I've heard of some low riding dogs that the coat might be a good idea but to keep an eye on snow collecting in the "arm pit" if you will.     Depends how the jacket is built some just collects snow and makes thing worse when they plan in snow with them.

Thank you to *everybody* for sharing your thoughts! Sounds like I don't need to worry about her;) I do wish I could buy her some coats, just 'cause that's be so cute - but corgis seem hard to fit, don't they, in standard dog clothes?  Neither small nor medium... If anybody knows of a company that designs clothes specifically for corgis, I'd appreciate the reference, thank you!

Yoda and Chewie are jealous that you American corgis get to play in cold weather.  Here in Taiwan, we never go below 40F, and rarely below 50F.  Also, they have never seen snow.  They are depressed after reading this blog now!

I wonder... oh I wonder if shipping maritime snow via UPS in a cooler would get to Taiwan on time..    :)

I would love to see Corgis discovering snow for the very first time.

Do you have indoor skating rinks in your area?    If so, you could bring them over when they shave the ice but I've heard that sometimes chemicals can be added to the water... for some purpose.   I've seen the mound of snow outside our local arena sometimes but it's full of the colored paint for the hockey.   So we avoid it.


Corgis (both Cardis and Pemis) have double coats. The outer coat is mostly weather resistant and the fine inner cost is insulation. I have  a nine year old Cardi and she is quite comfortable at temps that I find abhorrent. We only put her coat on her if it is really cold and wet. Make sure her DEN is in a draft free place. A nice fluffy towel or doggy bed should be fine as far as comfort is concerned. Corgis come from a part of the world that has monstrous foul weather in the winter. They must be hardy enough to perform their herding chores despite the weather. Only worry if she starts to tremble from the cold. I would be more concerned about hot weather if I were you. 60-65° temps are perfect from a Corgi's perspective.We have been having 20-30° weather and our Cardi girl is happy and full of vinegar. She is really coming alive in the colder weather. Don't worry about your baby too much. She can handle weather you can't.

Corgis (both Cardis and Pemis) have double coats. The outer coat is mostly weather resistant and the fine inner cost is insulation. I have  a nine year old Cardi and she is quite comfortable at temps that I find abhorrent. We only put her coat on her if it is really cold and wet. Make sure her DEN is in a draft free place. A nice fluffy towel or doggy bed should be fine as far as comfort is concerned. Corgis come from a part of the world that has monstrous foul weather in the winter. They must be hardy enough to perform their herding chores despite the weather. Only worry if she starts to tremble from the cold. I would be more concerned about hot weather if I were you. 60-65° temps are perfect from a Corgi's perspective.We have been having 20-30° weather and our Cardi girl is happy and full of vinegar. She is really coming alive in the colder weather. Don't worry about your baby too much. She can handle weather you can't.


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