I was surfing the web and I saw this ad for asthma prevention for noattacks.org

It is a good ad with a valid point.  Even though I kind do not like it when they single out Corgi here to make a point.  There are plenty of large furry dogs out there.

I know there plenty of therapy Corgis here, so how does that work out?

I do have a baby at home, does anyone have any experience of asthma, corgi and babies?  Please share, it could be very useful for me and everyone here.  Thanks.

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I have Asthma and i think the only animals that set it off are in door cats with litter boxes (lol i have in door cats with litter boxes) the only time i have issues is cleaning the litter boxes.. 

but ya.. Ace doesnt effect my asthma at all.. he DOES make me sneeze when i get his fr up my nose but thats normal XD; He actually worries when i have breathing issues :) but itsusually when i strain myself excersizing or when im outside in the cold :P 

I have Asthma, I would have a full blown asthma attack if I don't use Salbutamol 15 mins before giving a bath to my corgis. I'm an adult that runs 5 miles 5 days a week, but a little corgi dander in the wrong place can literally kill me (airway 12% opening).  My corgis are not allowed on the couch, chair, sofa or bed. I wash my hands, arms or take a shower immediately after a cuddle / play session.

They picked a corgi because it was the only pet small enough to fit under a child's bed that was still big enough to convey "dog."  :)


As for asthma, corgi, and babies, I don't know what the scientific research are.

I do know that there are findings that pets help lower the chances of babies getting allergies later on in life.  

Here're the links: 



My son, who is now a grown man, was diagnosed with asthma when he was about 7 yrs. old.  In the patch tests, he scored a 3 for dogs (out of 5) and a 2 for cats.  He made the statement that he was not going to live in a bubble and he was not getting rid of the dog..( big man talking to the doctor.)  We did not "get rid" of the dog, but said dog was not allowed on son's bed.  He began taking the allergy shots and now lives with a dog and 3 cats.  So, I do believe all worked out.  I kept our Corgi very clean and I brushed him almost daily...(brushing was done outside.)  I vacuumed daily also.  My son had no attacks after he began the shots and was on daily meds, including an inhaler.  I guess it depends on exactly what is causing the asthma.  In our case, our son was allergic to every grass and shrub that grows in America!  Hope any of this is helpful.

Thank you for the input, I am glad to hear your son cope well with dogs and cats.  good to know there is a possible medical treatment for it!

I have asthma, but the only time it bothers me is if I really get my nose up in their fur.  I have 5 of them, so keeping them brushed regularly, and vacuuming regularly keeps the issue down for me.  I think my asthma is very mild though.......not like the person who gets restricted down to 12% airway!  I just notice a bit of tightening and slight difficulty breathing.  I don't even take an inhaler for it......just get away from the dogs for a few minutes.  I also have 1 cat, and same thing when I get my face super close.

My daughter has severe asthma, and does just fine with her medications.  She uses a steroid inhaler twice daily.  We also have two cats, and three dogs.  Jackson is her dog, and her God-send.  I really think she would do much worse without him!  He is her sounding board, and her best friend.  When we found out two years ago that she had asthma, I asked the physician about testing her for allergies (as allergies and asthma go hand-in-hand), fearing we would have to get rid of the cats (and do shots for the dogs).  Her advice was to wait and see how she did on the meds, saying if she was manageable with medication, then there was no need to get rid of the pets.  Amber's done just fine...and Jackson sleeps right up on her bed, right beside her every night.

It's sort of misleading for them to make a general, sweeping statement like that.  I know they used the word "can" instead of "will," but it's still a bit misleading.  Asthma isn't the same from one person to the next.

I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 6 years old.  I spent an entire year (Kindergarten) going to the nurse's office after nearly every gym class.  The nurse flat out told me that I needed to stop lying about having a hard time breathing and experiencing chest pains.  My pediatrician (a wonderful man who I wish I could have kept my whole life) eventually said that he would send me for a test and if it came back negative he would send me to a "different type of doctor" (aka a psychologist.)  I went for my test and at my next appointment the doctor sat me down.  He sat down next to me, gave me a hug, and apologized (sincerely) for not believing me.  Turns out I have exercise induced asthma.  According to the results (which were off the charts, and not in a good way), when I run my lungs are equivalent to those of an 80-year-old man who has been smoking for more than 30 years and has emphysema.  The real kicker, which is why I went undiagnosed for so long, is that I don't wheeze.  Since I didn't wheeze, the jerk of a school nurse assumed I couldn't have asthma.   I now use inhalers help to an extent, but they don't make it too much better.

Having said all that, I have no problems with pets.  I can rub my face all over my dogs (and I do, 'cause I love hugs!) and no have a problem.  I can be around cats, dogs, horses and any other animal without a problem.  Asthma is different for each person and each person will react differently depending on what they, individually, have allergies to.  Some people are set off by cold air, others by animal dander and others to pollen.  My allergies are to one or more types of tree.

With all that said, I have two dogs and two young children (one is 4 and the other is 1.)  Neither has shown signs of asthma or allergy yet, but that's not to say they won't develop it later in life.  As with all things, you just take life one day at a time and deal with things as they happen. Allergies are treatable (to a degree) with allergy shots, though one may or may not need years of treatment before being symptom-free around an allergen.  If someone you know does develop asthma, don't write off pets immediately.  They should get tested before making any assumptions.  ;)

You are so right here.


I have asthma and allergies. Typically my allergies will exacerbate my asthma and cause me problems. So if I can keep away from cats (they are seriously deadly to me) and stay on Zyrtec for my dog dander allergies, I'm AOK. I really hate having to take medication everyday to fend off my allergies to dogs, but having two corgis now, it's totally worth it.

I have allergies, take two meds a day, shots monthly.  The asthma is handled with a flare every few years.  I love dogs so for my Quality of Life I put up with it.  I had not had a Corgi for about 5 years. We love Grace, doing any extra cleaning is worth it. Also have 2 cats.  Getting tested, then you can out grow allergies too.  I was allergic to cats, several foods for # of  years.  Next testing reversed and I got new ones.  So it is Not always the Pets. When I cut grass I suit up. Keep windows closed. 



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