It's become a very popular thing to create designer dogs or hybrids. While there are a couple that have been around for quite some time such as the Cockapoo, most are relatively new. Examples of such dogs would be the Puggle (Pug+Beagle) or Labradoodle (Labrador+Poodle). Of course the Corgis could not be left out of this quest for a better breed and there are new models in the works as we speak (though none have caught on yet). I think Corgis are perfect the way they are and I'm sure others here would agree, but nothing is ever good enough for some. Here are some of the Corgi hybrids I've encountered. Please share any that you are aware of, or just voice your opinion on the topic of hybrid breeding.

Shorgi (Cardigan or Pembroke Corgi+Shih-tzu)

Copica (Cardigan or Pembroke Corgi+Cockapoo)

Others include:
Augi (Australian Shep. + Cardi or Pem Corgi)
Cava-Corgi (Cavalier King Charles Snapiel+ Pembroke Corgi)
Corgidor (Labrador+Pembroke Corgi)
Chigi (Chihuahua+Cardi or Pem Corgi)
Dorgi (Dachshund+cardi or Pem Corgi)
Corillon (Papillon+Pembroke Corgi)

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I once saw an episode of the Dog Whisperer where someone had a Lab crossed with one of the protection breeds. Now, the poor dog would display lab-type tail-wagging cheerfulness when it would see other people. It would try to go near them and look all happy, and then they'd get close and the protection-dog instincts would kick in and it would get upset and try to back the person off. Most protection breeds are aloof with strangers. The poor dog ended up with the excitement to see people of a lab and the desire to protect of the other breed.

It was one of the only times Caesar was not real successful and he ended up taking the dog to rehome it, then gave the owners one of his others. He said the dog was truly dangerous because its split personality made it unpredictable. Poor thing.
I saw that episode. I think it was a lab X English Bulldog. I thought it was a very pretty mix, but he definitely did have some behavior problems.
I agree it was a handsome dog, but definitely had a split personality thing going on.

We know a lab/ boxer mix who is absolutely a lovely dog. But... she was free with adoption fee at the pound, and they did not call her a Boxador or a Loxer. LOL
I think that has less to do with the mix and more to do with the owner. Given Terriers are known for their personalities, if you take the time to train the dog, these issues can be easily delt with. I go nuts when people buy dogs, mutts or otherwise and assume it will be like that nintendo puppy game and they will just be there when you want them and not when you are busy. Like people who get lab puppies because they are cute, but do not consider the fact that they are a WORKING BREED. Labs are not lap dogs, and too many dogs end up in shelters because of this mis-matched dog issue. If you are a lazy, mellow, stay at home person, a working breed is NOT for you. If you know what kind of mutt/pure bred dog you are getting, then you can think ahead. Too many people do not think, and their precious pups end up in the incinerator. It disgusts me how many great dogs are killed because of OUR mistakes. It is the humans fault, not the dogs.
Of course, this has always been an issue and not just with dogs but with all pets. People who buy a pet on a whim are destined for disaster. When you make the decision to buy a dog you should have already researched that breed and determined that it will be good for you and you for it. One may like the way a Corgi looks but if you are not prepared to deal with their energy and herding instincts then you should not get a Corgi. When people treat pets like accessories the pet is bound to get the bad end of the deal. Yes, it is sad.
I'm adopting an accidental Chigi. Or Corgihuahua as I like to call them. I don't support purposefully breeding dogs of any breed/type when there are so many pets out there that need homes. Especially by backyard breeders for personal profit! But I know its never going to stop so hopefully we can all work together to slow it down a little at least. Anyways... This is Cashew. My accidental corgihuahua puppy. :)

He is precious. We are not saying mutts are bad, just over breeding is. I love my pound puppy, and I am sure you are going to spoil the hell out of the little guy. It is just the way it is supposed to be. LOTS of LOVE!
What a cutie. Congratulations!
I know that the Queen of England bred Dorgis (Dauchsand X Pembroke) in addition to her herd of Corgis.
I think her corgi had fun with her sister's dauschsund, and that happened. Not totally sure, but I know I read it in a Dog fancy magazine a few years back.
The copica definitely pushing muttland, not even a hybrid as its got 3 breeds in it.

I can't say I've ever seen a corgi X that was near as cute as a corgi, the closest was a dalmation corgi cross. Mutts may have healthy vigor a lot, but people are pushing crosses with pures,and sometimes even 2 crosses and trying to define it, opposed to just admitting is a mutt, often at prices more than what a registerred dog would cost.

As far as ugly mutts go Labridoodles are the most atrocious dog the world has ever seen.

Not to mention the temperament problems in hybrids, you often get the worst of both breed, and breed like Shih Tzus and Poodles, the seemingly most common hybrids for anything, have terrible temperaments (likely due to the amount of puppy mill/backyard breeding surrounding them albeit.)
They're all very cute puppies, and are no less deserving of a good home as any purebred dog would be. However, I absolutely do NOT agree with crossbreeding dogs on purpose. What happens when you get that cute little puppy and then it grows up and turns into a huge awkward looking dog and then suddenly you don't want it anymore. That's why there's so many dogs in shelters. People want a puppy that stays a puppy with those cute puppy features with none of the puppy qualities. Makes me sick that people are crossing these breeds when there are responsible breeders out there who are trying so hard to breed for the right qualities in a breed, to perfect the breed, to help the breed grow, and then these people come in and stick one dog in with another breed of dog just because they think it will be cute? I want to strangle them all. And then the corgi with the cockapoo? 3 breeds in one? At what point are they just mutts? We're breeding mutts now and calling them designer dogs. Woooonderful. I'll stop, because I'm just getting more and more angry the more I think about it.


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