Gizmo is a one year old pemmie. When we 1st got him if we took him anywhere he was super friendly and wanted to lick and love on everybody.  Now all of a sudden we took him to into my work which is a normal thing ( I work at a pet store) and out of nowhere he is being all growling and barking. I cant figure out why.

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He might be just going through a stage or perhaps something frightened him and you did not see it. I would continue to take him out in somewhat controlled environments (meaning not too wild of activity) and encourage people you know to give him a treat or just be around him without too much eye contact (that can be perceived as a threat by a frightened dog).Give him a firm no and a corrective tug if he growls or barks. At his age he will probably get over it if you work on socializing him gradually.
You'd think that seeing all the customers would be good socialization and he wouldn't be that way, but Corgis are funny.

I agree with Bev--Try having a puppy party, like you do when they're babies. Brings lots of people over to give him treats and attention! I've been told that that sometimes you have to start over with the socialization if corgis get used to a routine, being around the same types of people every day... And I'd try at home first, and then again at work, to really make the point stick. It's possible he didn't like a customer and has to be reminded that most people are likeable.


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