After 1+ years of waiting, I finally arrive at the time where I am be able to settle down & finally have a corgi of my own! hooray!!
I have done research about corgi care & will still research more before getting one,
approximately half-1 year later.
It would be great to get an input from all veteran corgi owners here.
What will you say to a newbie corgi owner?
or what you wish every corgi owner know before owning a corgi?
I know this is a very broad topic but Your input is greatly appreciated!!
Thanks in advanced!
There are so many things that I could say but will suggest that you go through and look at the previous discussions on here that may be about pups! Corgis have a short time frame to learn/introduce many things. Beth has a good discussion on "so you think you want a corgi"
Must do with pups:
Socialize to other animals(who have their shots) and people both adults and children who will be gentle with Corgis.
Puppy proof your home from cords, plants and other items that may be dangerous to your pup.
Get them used to car rides, noises and collars plus walking on a leash. I always suggest a Martingale collar as puppies can get scared and run. I had a pup who ran under a deck that was not high enough to crawl under and it took over an hour to get her out.
I believe in crates at night and crates or pet fences when you can't be watching them.
If you don't want them on the furniture then don't let them there as a pup and never let them jump off when tiny pups.
Food in = food out within about 1/2 hour when very young.
Nipping is a big issue but can be halted using the correct methods.
The more you do to gently train your pup from the start...the easier it will be later!!
Take lots of pics and enjoy!
Like Jane says!
The cords! OMG, the cords. Ruby settled on one lamp cord that, mercifully, was connected to a socket controlled by a light switch, so she failed to electrocute herself BOTH times she chewed it up from plug to lamp. The second time, I'd sprayed the bedoodles out of the cord with dog-away stinkum: no luck. Finally solved the problem by using clear packing tape to tape the cord down the inside of a table leg, across the floor, and up the wall to the socket.
Also, consider getting a package of those electric plug covers used to keep little kids from sticking a fork in an electric outlet. Ruby has developed an interest in massaging her muzzle on a hall outlet when she trots up and down the hall. And years ago I had a golden retriever who took it into his mind to kiss an outlet. Didn't kill him, but he was seriously injured.
Be patient with house-training, but consistent. Also, if the dog seems to just NOT get it where urinating is concerned, have it checked for a UTI, which is apparently pretty common among corgis.
The pet fence is a godsend.
Lost my whole computer to puppy teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow how did that even happen??
oh wow this comes as a bit of surprised, I used to have a rabbit & I thought only rabbits are interested in cords lol
I had a litter of pups and a few got in my computer room (not usually accessible) and started chewing on cords but thank goodness no pup was hurt...
That was lucky. Charlie's adventure burned off his lower lip on the right side of his face.
We got a child safety gate to keep our stuff safe from chewing while we're at work. That way she can stay in the kitchen and she's still able to go through the kitty door to go outside in a fenced part of our yard.
Get stuff she MAY chew on, toys and (healthy) snacks.
I also bought her an ID collar which she wears at all times, because in case she manages to escape people can call me on my phone or can bring her back. Today I almost ran over a dog, which was wandering the streets, he had NO tag, nothing. Just as I started ringing doorbells, the owner called out for him. He is one lucky dog I did not run him over. Our lovely Pem got hit by a car just two months ago. DO NOT LOSE HER OUT OF YOUR SIGHT FOR ONE SECOND, that was all it took with Pem. Be extremely over-protective on busy streets, extremely cautious when doors are opening while guests come over. Best advice I can give to you.
oh and: Enjoy every second with them, they grow up so fast and before you know it they're gone :(
Totally true!! Look around and you can find some that have hinged gates. They're not cheap, compared to the wooden ones that fit into the door like a tension rod. But they sure make your life SO much easier, they're worth it.
If you have a Target or Wallmart you can get a child gate much cheaper than at a pet store. I got one online that was very good too. It was also a child gate.
Taking notes!!
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