Posting this was inspired by LuvMyCorgis. Please feel free to add your moment of Corgi Zen -- I'd love to see them.

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That is so cute!

Every day is a zen day for Izzy!
LMAO!! Oh my god, that's a riot!
That is freaking AWESOME!!!!!!!
Oh, my goodness -- I'm rolling on the floor lauging so hard at these pics you all have shared, tears are coming to my eyes!

This is what I meant to put on! Of course I have loads of Izzy lounging because that is her favorite thing! I love the second one Jennifer put on..LOL

jOhmmm ohmm
Here is Rosie Zen
Oh, Karen, this shot definitely should be shared in the "Awkward Little Sleepers" Group -- way tooooo zen!
Maddie sleeps like a "normal" dog, but Jack sleeps like a Corgi! He is my zen dog all the way; he'll give 110% when he's playing, but then he will crash out in the middle of wherever he is. We go on therapy visits, and one second he's pulling on his leash panting to go see all the dogs in the dayroom, and the next he's laid out like a flying squirrel next to someone's wheel chair, with his chin on the floor.

Here he is, catching some zzz's on his favorite pillow:

Love the light in this one!


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